
Monday, 12 April 2010

12 April 2010


I was really good yesterday and I did go to the gym. Today I got a trophy on my watch (it's a heart rate monitor and I program weekly targets into it - it's the first time I have actually met those targets) and Monday is my weigh in day - and I lost 2lb, which is the first time in a while I actually lost anything. However, I fear I have just messed up my good work! I got outta bed at 1pm - yes 1pm!!! cant believe I slept that late!! Then I lazed around all afternoon - then we went to the pub and I drank (almost) a whole bottle of wine and then we went for a Chinese meal, which was really yummy. I had a gin n tonic there - then I came back home and Andy made me a toffee vodka and baileys and then I had a brandy and a vodka and coke!!

Tomorrow I am seeing my PT at 11am and I am supposed to give him a diet sheet showing him what I have eaten all week - heheheh tonight will great wont it!! Maybe I'll lie.

My friend Yvonne texted me that she and her BF have got a flat together, and they move in together next month. I don't think she even realises how cool that is. She wanted this soooo much when she was she taking it for granted now? I dunno I'll have to ask her!

boy-twin was funny tonight. He called me and said...can I sleep over at my mates house tonight? and I said...I cant see that being a problem - followed by the usual questions...who...where....why...etc... then he said he would be coming home to get changed and then we said byeee....then he didn't put the phone down and I heard him say...okay that should be fine...but nobody can tag me in any photo's. I heard somebody ask why and he said 'my mum is on facebook and she will see the pictures!

I called him back and found out it was a party he wanted to go to - with alcohol. He is such a numpty! lying to me and and getting caught within about 3 seconds! We let him go in the end anyway - no need to lie!!!

anyway...better go and finish that vodka and coke!


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