
Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Mon & Tues


Today -  I went for my long run - 10km.  I always tend to do this on a Monday.  Today it was awful.  I just couldn't run! The pain in my hip was too much - and the other hip started to bother me too.  So - a lot of walking was involved.  It all just pissed me off to be honest....I came home and made an appointment with a physiotherapist - can't get in until next Monday....  I am going to HAVE to stop running for a while. :-(

Then I mainly got jobs done! Went to the tip and got rid of all the carpet we pulled up over the weekend.  I go to that tip SO often!!

I then went and found tiles we can use to replace broken ones in the back porch and found where I can get floorboards to replace the big pieces of board that have been put down in the hall.

I started to get up all the staples in the floor that had been pinning down the underlay....bored much?  Then I started cleaning/scrubbing the tiles in the back porch - it is NOT easy trying to get them clean. WAKE UP!

That pretty much sums up Monday!


Well today started when I woke up at 6.11am.  Way too early!  I made a coffee and went back to bed and read my book for a bit (Your Best Stride) surprise surprise - its about improving your running!

Then - got up - cleaned a few more tiles and got more staples out of the hallway floor - now I am in the middle of getting up all the carpet gripper from around the sides.  Then - I might try sanding a little bit of the floorboards - to see how it comes up.

Its my birthday tomorrow...yay - another year older (crying)....

I've just seen some pics from 3 years ago (2015).  This was quite special - me and Andy were going out to the local Italian for a meal - and all the kids were going their separate out somewhere or another.  Ended up just me and Andy - having a drink at home before we headed to the restaurant.  When we got there all the kids were there waiting for me!!  I don't know why but this is probably one of my most memorable birthdays!  It was so awesome to see them all there - and so nice that they had all gone to the effort!  We had such a good time too - had a proper laugh!!  Ahhhh makes me miss them all so much looking at the pics!!

Here are a few pics:

We went back home and partied!!

There are a few video's that won't upload on here - try copy and pasted these links....

Connor laughing without smiling! Kills me everytime!

Kids singing

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