
Friday, 25 May 2018



It is Friday morning and I am rather hungover. Last night was the first time in ages I couldn't get to sleep because the room was spinning...not to the extreme...but bad enough to be awful, and now I feel yukky.

Last night Andy got back after being away the previous night and Paul and Zack came around - because Zack is doing some work experience with Andy.  We played pool and had some drinks and me, Paul and Zack didn't go to bed until 3am.  Didn't feel drunk at all until I went to bed!

Yesterday....I decided to start sanding the floorboards in the hall.  Didn't get very is not easy and I decided that I need to hire a proper big sander, which I wanted to avoid....but this took me ages:

I went and picked up the new boards for the part of the floor that just has big pieces of board....

I then did a 45 minute yoga class - from youtube, on the recommendation of the was alright I spose, but I used to working hard when I go in the this was a bit meh.... I ran 3km on running machine afterwards!

It was after this that Paul and Zack came around....leaving me, as I said, feeling rough rough rough...blurrggggggggg

So - dunno what I am gonna do today - cant do the tiles, cos need new tiles, can't do the boards because I need a sander....I have the annex bedroom which - I am not even halfway through - getting the wallpaper off, but I don't want to get into that today...Paul is working from home - well...our home....and Zack is with Andy are in the basement.  Andy has taken Zacks work experience seriously and plans on properly educating him which is really good.  So, I'm just going to have a lazy day I think unless me and Paul think of something to do (he hasn't got much work to get through apparently)....

So...I'll update you later.

Feel ick

Well....I put shelves up in the gym! I had to saw the wood down and get the brackets on the walls - something that was not really a challenge - but a year ago I would have stressed over lol.  Makes a difference in the gym - the shelves are in a recess, so they look quite good. Pleased I did it.

We had another Hello Fresh meal in the evening - it had aubergine in it - which I thought I didn't like - and other stuff I thought seemed a bit dodgy - it was a pasta meal and it was so good!!  Not had one we don't like yet - even when we think we are not going to like it! 


  1. I always feel yoga can be a bit.. meh cos you’re used to sweating and being out of breath. How come you chose to yoga then run rather than the other way round? Also hungover on a Friday! Tut! 😛

  2. I did yoga first because I thought it might loosen my hip and allow me to run. xx
