
Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Tuesday 8th May 2018

Good morning!

Well that was a fun bank holiday weekend!!

Ended up having such a good day yesterday!  Me and Andy just chatted and drank!  Didn't get wasted or anything - but had enough to be quite happy! Stayed in the garden for ages - didn't even get around to putting the BBQ on - too busy having a laugh!

Eventually we came back in at about 8pm  and ended up getting take out!  We need to sort that out!  Should have a delivery today - its Hello Fresh - so we get all the ingredients and recipes for 3 meals.  Got it at half price which was £17ish.  So at full price a bit too expensive I think! Unless it is totally awesome...but I'm not expecting much.  But - we would spend that on one take-out and if it stops us getting take-outs and it gives us variety...we'll see!

Took me quite a while today to clear us the weekends mess - loads of stuff in the garden - around the bar - in the living room after the take-out.  But its all done now!  I have a choice today - could go to the tip and get rid of the asbestos and the rest of the crap in the car.  Or - I could strip wall paper - or - I could have an easy day!

I NEED TO START STICKING TO MY DIET I am fed up of going up and down and up and my weight loss since january - which is quite a long time ago now - is 8lb.  It has been 11lb - then back down again.  With all the running I am doing, I could be quite successful if I could behave myself as far as food and alcohol is concerned!

Oh - I have entered a 10km race...10th June 2018.  I got nervous pangs just typing that!  It's silly because I know I can run 10km.  But I need to get some more training in for it.  At the moment I'm struggling with a bad blister on my foot and need to let it heal a bit.  I didn't run over the last few days - but still did loads of steps in the garden - so not exactly resting it!  I've gone from being 30km ahead on my YVSTY challenge to 20km ahead.  I've seen a training program on my running application - I can choose to improve my distance or improve my speed and I am undecided which one to go for.  I think I am leaning towards the - improve my speed....

I got lots of advice from the YVSTY group on facebook when I said I had entered my first 10km.  Here are some comments:

  • Find a hill about 100yds long and once a week run up it and walk back down 6-8 times. Do a halfish mile warm up and at least halfish mile cool down
  • Proper sneakers & socks are IMPORTANT!! Be sure to stop by your local run shop to ask about the best socks: often blisters are nixed when the right socks AND right sneaks are worn 
  • You will be fine. Maybe run a 5k as fast as you can to build up speed a bit, but you got the endurance. The adrenaline of a race gets you going too. Have fun!
  • U have 1 month... try 7, 8 miles for endurance training and 4,5 miles for speed... hill workouts if possible...
  • If you're already doing it once a week, you're going to do great!
  • Are you close enough to the course to run it at least once?
  • Try to get longer runs in. I found the more miles I put in a week, the faster/easier my shorter runs/races get. I’m changing my thinking on how I want to get ready for my half in November

So - some good advice I think - from others runners. 

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