
Saturday, 7 July 2018

Tues - Fri


Well I've been rubbish again updating this blog!!

I have to try and remember now what I did.  So on Monday I did go for a run with Connor - and he is much better than me - much faster and didn't have to stop so often but he is 22 years younger than me and cycles everywhere! But it was really nice having him coming for a run with me!  We did 5.5km and it was so so so hot!

Tuesday - Connor helped me strip wall paper in the annex bedroom.  Again, it was really nice having company whilst doing this.... I can't actually remember much else about Tuesday...or and Connor did the same again.  We also went to the tip, got rid of lots of rubbish and had a look around all the stuff they sell.  They have furniture, bikes...allsorts.  When I get the chance I want to buy some of the old furniture and do it up - either to try and sell or have for the house. After the tip we met Emily at Tesco and they got some stuff.

Oh Tuesday night we watched England play in the world cup...we beat...errr......can't remember who we played! But it went to penalties so was very tense - but we won! We play Sweden on Saturday - and if we win we'll be on the last 4 - I don't expect us to win to be honest!

Thursday - we tried to finish of the last little bit of wall paper stripping but had a problem with the electrics. The sockets were off in the annex bedroom because I'd been moving the sockets down from the middle of the wall (desk height) to the bottom.  So we'd used an extension lead from the socket down the hall - and it wasn't working - it blew the fuse.  The plug looked a bit dodgy so I changed the plug (and taught both Connor and Emily how to change a plug!) but it still didn't work - the extension lead worked from another socket - so assumed the socket had somehow developed a problem.  So - I put the electric back on in the annex room (after finishing moving the last double socket) and when I tried to turn it on the fuse blew again!  I checked the socket I'd put on and used some insulation tape on a metal screw I'd put in - and the fuse blew again.  It made no sense!!  Until we realised that it worked with the drill....eventually we realised that the steamer was the thing blowing all the fuses!!  So - we couldn't finish the striping!  So Connor and Emily helped me clear up all the room - and then as I was chatting for 1.5 hours to Lissa - and cleaned up and did cat litter etc.  Emily did a load of vacuuming :-)

Was really nice to have a nice long chat with Lissa and we really need to do it more often - much better than messaging each other.  I miss her! Adam used to call me for a chat on a fairly regular basis and he doesn't seem to do that anymore - he says he is really busy.  Actually think I'll message him now.....

Me and Emily did our first session in the gym.  After spending a long time drawing a table for us both with our weight and measurements to go on the wall in the gym lol.  We did a really hard session and it was supposed to be a fairly easy one so I wouldn't put Emily off exercise for life.  Emily hasn't really ever had a routine of exercise before - but really wants to lose weight and get in shape.  So we said we would do it together.  She has been keeping to a diet and I haven't at all lol.  So our weigh-in next week will probably be really good for her - but not me!  We did circuit training, interspersed with running.  Was quite tough in the heat - as it has been amazing weather!

Andy was in london today and not back until tomorrow - so I had my usual ham egg and chips lol - and watched loads of episodes of Wentworth Prison!

I bought a side board on facebook marketplace, I sort of bought it by accident as i accidently sent an automatic message to the seller saying - I've PM'd you - (private messaged) and she said great - I hadn't - so I did! lol.  I sent her a message saying - would you take £60 and deliver? (was up for sale for £70) and she said yes!

Friday - so the sideboard was delivered today.  It has been up-cycled.  I was thinking of putting it in the bathroom - but it was too big.  So I put it in the front hallway and it looks awesome!  Very pleased!   So its painted a sort of grey - its here....

Really pleased with it - and it was a bargain!

Spent most of the day fairly bored, as the jobs I need to do are all quite big and I didn't want to get started on something big when I'll have to flip back to the annex once the plastering has been done.  I currently have nobody to do the floor - a guy was supposed to come around today to give me a quote - but didn't turn up.

Around 4pm, me and Emily did the circuit training again in the gym - she is not afraid of hard work in the gym so I am really pleased - she makes a good gym buddy!  Wish lissa was here though - we used to do circuits together and it gave us the chance to catch up too - and we would have such a laugh.  I get on well with Emily but I worry that she feels like she can't totally relax with me because I am her boyfriends mother!  Not that it stands out that she is not herself - I don't know her well enough to know if she is being herself or not!  She seems quite relaxed with me....

Oh! I've been chasing Ray about the plastering - and also about employing Connor - and he called me today to say the plastering will be next week - and asked if Connor could work tomorrow...and said he should have regular work for him.  (I guess he needs to see if Connor is any good first).  So that was good news especially after Connor had been getting angry and upset about what he was going to do because he only has experience in being a chef and he doesn't want to do that.  He is hoping that Ray will keep him on and teach him plastering.  

Andy got back from London, and he was hot and sweaty after spending ages on a hot train with no air-con...but he got changed and we played pool and watched one of the world cup games (Belgium beat Brazil) got food - and chilled.  

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