
Sunday, 11 November 2018

Been Even Longer....


So, I am sat at my laptop in the kitchen with sausages slowly cooking.  Lissa is visiting for the weekend and has gone out for a run.  Connor and Emily have gone out to take somebody else's dog for a walk? and Andy is still in bed!  I am feeling a little delicate after an awesome night last night.  We all had a few drinks and then went to the local constitutional club to play skittles!!  We tried it with helen and paul last weekend for Paul's birthday - and had such fun we decided to go back.  It was awesome lol.  You end up in a big long room on your own - so it is like a private party!

We left there and headed home last night - to discover music and a DJ in the pub next door so we drunkenly piled in there - and danced for a while - then came back home!  Fun and pizza was had - and I think we crashed about 1.30am.

Andy just got up....

I plan on eating a lot of food very soon - then think we are just gonna chill out for the day.  I thought I would just catch up on a here a little and put pictures of the latest house progress - I finally finished the annex bathroom and bedroom!!

I got it finished just in time for my folks visit - but my dad opened the window and when he closed it the window frame fell apart!!  My folks stayed for the week - because my dad was fitting a new door in the annex living room - a door he got built for me.  Me and Dad opened up the wall where a window was and my dad put the door in - it was a job that took all week.  It looks awesome and was a major piece of work needed for the annex.  Then yesterday we had a builder in who put a hole in the wall between the annex living room and dining room.  So the annex is really coming on now! Still looks like a building site at the moment though....

Anyway - I am gonna do a new post for the before and after pics for the annex bath/bedroom...soon it'll be living room and dining room!! exciting!!

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