
Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Family visit weekend!


Wow I'm just not getting around to writing this often am I?

Well - The weekend of idea - oh yeah 6th November - all the kids were visiting.

As usual Adam got here first! He always manages lol.  he normally turns up while I'm still cleaning or in the shower - so I preempted this (I'm sure that's a word!) and was ready when he got here!

Adam chilled with us for a while and then Lissa & Antony turned up shortly followed by Connor and Emily.  They seemed to like my newly decorated attic room which I slogged my guts out getting ready in time! Lissa claimed it - Adam could have as he was here first but he was very gracious - as he was on his own - Erika had to work which was a shame. 

We all ended up in the games room as usual and it was really really nice having them all about.  I love it! I miss my babies and I wish they'd all move to Taunton!  Especially now Lissa is having a baby! I really wanna be a part of it all - but we keep in touch a lot on messenger - not the same as face to face!

I was determined not to drink too much - but sort of did! Woke up next day feeling a bit icky - but not too bad!!  Emily wasn't drinking at all - obviously Lissa wasn't either. Andy asked me later if Emily might be pregnant too - haha - I am pretty sure that she isn't! They are not really in a position to have a baby, although ppl make it work!  They admitted that I was right when I said - if you rent in Bristol you'll be skint all the time and won't be able to save for anything.  They have decided to move to Wales. Her family live in Bridge End (not sure if thats how you spell it).  I used to have to go there for work and in my opinion...its an awful place! (sorry Welsh ppl).  Oh that reminds me!!  Lissa thought it would be really really far away compared to Bristol - and I was explaining that on a map its only like an inch away - we both ended up killing ourselves laughing when we were saying how its even closer if you zoom out! hahah

In the morning - as usual it was me and Lissa up first! I'm sure ppl just wait until they think the place has all been cleaned up - and Adam waits until he can smell bacon! 

Me & Andy fancied going into Taunton - and nobody wanted to come with us!  So we left them to it and went off shopping!  I bought a new pair of jeans with diamonte on the bottom and a top.  We got some xmas bits n bobs - an awesome caterpiller - like giant stuffed toy for Eloise - if she doesn't like it - I'll have it back!!

While we were out we went past the Pitcher & Piano and saw two for one cocktails until 8pm and were tempted to go in! lol...instead we ordered a taxi for later on and decided that's where we'd start!  We got back and discovered to our delight that they'd not burnt the house down!  Lissa and Emily were in the gym - made me feel bad about not doing enough exercise.  Emily has been dieting (as had I for about 2 weeks) and we were the same weight - so to give us incentives we are competing to lose the most weight by xmas).  No doubt she'll win as she has cut out alcohol - that's just a step too far for me!!

We all got ready and got a taxi into Taunton - and went for the cocktails!!  I was just SO HAPPY having everybody there - I hadn't felt so happy for a while!!  We all sat ourselves around a big round table - but then right next to us a bunch of very drunk middle aged women starting trying (badly) to play the piano and sing Doe a Deer....thankfully it didn't last too long.  A while later another group came along - and I said - at least they're not singing Doe a Deer - then as the words left my mouth they started again - it was the same group!!  I have a habbit of nearly getting beaten up when I'm out!!  I once (in a rough area of Manchester) said - god look of the state of that women with all the gold necklaces!!  She heard me - and said - What the F*** did you just say!!!??  I said - I said you look really nice!!  She obviously hadn't heard me properly 1st time because this seemed to satisfy her.  Once in Westfields shopping centre in Armani - I said to Andy (about an older couple wearing all sorts of weird designer clothes) You can tell they came into money later in life or they'd have better taste! They heard that too hahaha and the guy just stood with his arms folded and stared me out the whole time!!

ANYWAY I digress.....

We had a really good time having our cocktails!!

Then we realised we needed to get to the restaurant - so off we went!  We went to Guddi & Gikki, the food is AMAZING they cook it all fresh and you just choice spice level.  We've never taken anybody there that hasn't loved it!  Lissa was going to leave loads (even though she can usually eat massive amounts!) so she managed to bring some back - which she had the next day of breakfast! lol.

 There's always one....

We got a taxi back home and went on to have such an amzing night - I laughed sooooo much!!  Connor had me in stitches because we were were talking about giving birth and I was saying that I never knew about giving birth to the placenta and I was describing it as a huge disgusting piece of liver - then Connor said imagine if you thought it WAS your liver!! arrghhh my F***ing liver!!! hahahah I actually wee'd and had to go change my underwear! lol

Antony got quite drunk!  So did I to be fair although I found it easier to stand than he did hahah

All in all the best night I've had in ages!!!!

Sunday - Adam left before I got up because he wanted to get on with DIY! and we just chilled until ppl had to go home... :-(

Next get-together is 20th December for xmas!! 

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