
Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Lock down

Hi again.


I got woken up early by the cats, and sun is shining brightly - by all accounts a really nice day!

First of all - today's corona-virus figures:

Total world cases:  346,877
Total fatalities:  14,914
UK total:  5,748
UK Fatalities: 281

Total world cases:  384,838
Total fatalities:  16,595
UK total:  6,726
UK Fatalities: 335

Last night Boris Johnson put the country into lock down for the next 3 weeks - we have a national emergency.  How strange is this?  It had become inevitable that this was going to happen - I believe the Government were just trying to get their timing right.

It seems like Connor  & possibly Emily have contracted the virus!!  Connor said last night that they both felt ill and were aching all over with sore throats, and then this morning he said - I'm very ill I haven't slept at all.  Lets hope that at 25, they are both young and healthy enough to easily get through it!

My mum has apparently felt rough too - flu and cough - not been able to sleep because of it - although no high temp - it could be normal flu or a very bad cold - my dad - who is high risk - started to develop a cough yesterday.  I have messaged them just now - to see how they are but they haven't replied yet (it is only 8.30am).

So the situation under this lock down is this -

You cannot leave your house unless it is absolutely essential - like shopping for essential supplies.
You are allowed one form of exercise a day - alone or with a family member who you live with. You can leave the house for a medical need or to give help to a vulnerable person, and to travel to and from work if it is absolutely essential.    This is for the next 3 weeks.

Yesterday I was told that my training course for my new job is still on - I'll have to wait and see if it is still on now these new measures have been put into place.  To be honest I am not being told anything as far as my new job is concerned (with the police) I have no idea if they are desperate for me to go to work and that is why the course is still running.  I know the police are utilising people still in training - so I guess that they are struggling for staff - or are expecting social unrest - I have no idea!

My mum just replied - said she cannot stop coughing - and she is running out of insulin.  She said my dad had a bit of a tickly cough but that has gone.  If she has the virus my dad will definitely get it.  We will just have to wait and see.

I just messaged my old boss to see how Surrey Police are coping - I am just trying to get some info - are the police really short staffed? really busy and desperate for new staff? are they really quiet because most ppl are at home? It would be helpful to know - then I can guess whether I am really needed or not.

I have also emailed HR but I had to guess their email address so it might just bounce back.

My boss just messaged back - lots of ppl working from home - and other than that fairly quiet atm but they expecting it to get busy! She reckons the police will really want me to start work.  I'll have to wait and see - my email to HR hasn't bounced back un-deliverable - so it may have got through!

I am trying to get onto Ocado online - I was told my delivery on Friday has been cancelled but then I saw that for Friday deliveries you can edit the order today - I can't get onto the site though!  I am in a queue - but then the page says error and when get back onto it - I am back of the queue again - the queue currently has 14, 186 ppl in it and I am number 13,167! Claims to be a 2 hour wait - but it seems to go much quicker than that - probably cos ppl wait ages only to find that they can't book a delivery anyway and so leave.


So Ocado kept me waiting an hour or so - only to be told I can't edit my order until tomorrow!

Some things in the news are awful - Spain are really hard hit and they said they found an abandoned care home with people dead in their beds and some ppl alive and alone!

We have a full lock down and apparently the tubes in London were PACKED this morning - they have a cut down service, so I am guessing those who HAVE to go to work are being squashed up! The people are the ones being blamed though....

The total worldwide cases have gone up by around 1000 since 8am this morning - its speeding up now as it spreads.

We had a couple of guests turn up yesterday - all our other guests cancelled.  They are supposed to be here until tomorrow but are going home today - this is good.  This is what ppl are supposed to be doing.  I think we are going to change our airbnb listing to say only people working or visiting the hospital can book (we are about a mile a away), plus we will drastically reduce our prices.  See if we can do our bit...


Total world cases - 393,547

Almost 10,000 more infected people since 8am this morning.  Obviously they didn't get infected since 8am! Its the results of the testing being done - but in our country it is only the ppl turning up at the hospitals being tested - so we have no idea at all really how wide spread it is - the only accurate figures really are the deaths.  That stands at 335 - so if 1% die - we must have around 33,500 infected.

Changing the subject! I have had a few fun video chats with my mum and dad - and often Helen and on one occasion my brother Andrew (all of us together at the same time) - and I have found that all the family are currently chatting more often - which is nice.  We've been chatting with the kids on Whattsapp today - apart from hearing that Connor & Emily are likely to have the virus - and that Adam is having his salary reduced....we have been having a chat and a laugh - laughing at Adam's lame attempt at a moustache...

Lissa was rocking her own frizz.....

I am being totally lazy!!  I dressed to continue painting in the attic this morning, but I may as well go and get changed because I am just sat here, playing, watching the news, chatting to people...obsessing about whether I am going to be at work or not next week....

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