
Wednesday, 29 April 2020

The day before the funeral...

Total world cases: 3,122,833-------------------64,774  increase
Total fatalities:  216,479-------------------------5,171 increase
UK total: 161,145------------------------------- 3,996 increase
UK Fatalities: 21,678--------------------------- 586 increase

Total world cases: 3,207,514-------------------84,681  increase
Total fatalities:  227,198-------------------------10,719 increase
UK total: 165,221------------------------------- 4,076 increase
UK Fatalities: 26,097--------------------------- 4,419 increase (765 today)

Our figures are showing VERY high today because they have decided to add in the care home deaths - so we have had a big jump, but more realistic figures.  I don't think other countries are doing this - so worldwide figures are way too low - unfortunately.  Our daily figure is 765 so the drop only lasted a couple of days.  Apparently the UK has the highest number of UK deaths in Europe, with Italty being the worst hit - and we are third highest in the world with the US being the highest - they are also a LOT bigger than us - so the UK has really suffered a lot.

In the news Dominic Raab warned the UK was at a "dangerous moment", saying that the peak of the virus had not passed.

In other news Boris Johnson and his fiancee had a baby boy, and it is reported that president Trump 'erupted' at his campaign manager because he is falling in the polls after his stupid comments about injecting disinfectant! What a tool....

Today hasn't been great to be honest.  Feeling down and emotional.  Struggled to get through the day - thinking about tomorrow and feeling anxious and nervous.  I tried to keep busy - I went with Mum to walk the dogs and then Helen went out with mum to get her to put petrol in the car herself as Dad normally does it and mum was stressing about it.  Helen also got her to drive to Joanne's, as she gets nervous driving places.  Apparently they had a bit of a chat through the window.  They also drove past the shop where my dad worked and saw a sign in the window....

I was so touched about this - I messaged Gordon and thanked him on behalf of all of us.  Although I knew my dad was greatly loved by a lot of people - I am still surprised about the amount of people that have done so many nice things and tributes.  My mum got a really nice letter of condolence from some Rugby League organisation - possibly the paper....apparently a well respected and well known figure in rugby league....

Anyway, when they got back home Helen and Mum bathed the dogs and I was vacuumed my mums car out - it was one of the jobs she wanted to get done.  We wrote a list of stuff we need to remember to take when we leave on Friday because our stuff is scattered around the house as we have been living here for two weeks now.  Then we ran out of things to do - so we watched Money Heist in the afternoon.  We then had tea - and then we sat around the table getting sad and upset again talking about my dad.  We realised that we do this often....always after tea around the table.  Me and Helen also realised that when mum goes off to do things - like have a shower - we always end up talking - more openly and get upset - then have to look busy and change the subject when she comes back.  It is so good having Helen here - we can be really honest about the emotions and feeling we have, whilst it is more difficult with mum because we don't want to upset her.

So after tea we watched Money Heist again!  It really felt that we were just trying to kill time before we could get to bed - and wake up - knowing it is time for the funeral.  Something we all know is going to be extremely hard.  We are all anxious about it and dreading it.  I really don't know how I am going to keep it together - I know I don't have to....I just don't want to get in a real massive state and not be able to control myself.

So, I'm going to get to sleep - and face saying goodbye to Dad tomorrow....

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