
Tuesday, 1 March 2011

I'm at home!

Today I was on my first early shift at Staines. I thought I had my timings right but I didn't really leave enough time. I got to work and to my locker with 10 minutes to cool down, get a wash and get changed and throw a touch of make-up on and get to my desk. A rush, but possible.
I got to my locker, grabbed my dress/suit and hung it on the outside of the locker...grabbed my bag with tights and make-up stuff in it and ran around the corner to the disabled loo. I stripped quickly so I could cool down - had a bit of a wash - put my tights and shoes on (leave my dress until last so I can continue to cool down) and then I came to put my dress on and realised it was still hanging up near my locker!
So...I had a dilemma. I had 2 minutes until I was supposed to be at my desk. I could put all my sweaty cycling clothes back on and run back out...or somehow So - I put my waterproof coat back on which just about covered my butt and grabbed all my other stuff (in case somebody came to the loo before I got back) I stuck my head out and could see nobody along the I hurried around the corner looking very weird - in tights and a coat and shoes...into the....empty (phew) kitchen and grabbed my dress and ran back again and I think I did that without being seen!! I am amazed because it would have been my luck to bump into my boss - or his boss!
I still didn't get to my desk on time but Tuesdays are apparently very busy because all the rota's are in. It was a training day (without any training) and at 12 noon when the late shift started I was told I could take a long lunch and then go home!! Ha! In Guildford we never, ever, got told we could even leave 10 minutes early! But...I suppose ... everybody seems to work much harder in Staines too.
So...its 14:13 and I am back home! Pretty knackered after cycling back...but going to the gym later! which will mean I'll have about 700 extra calories today, and as I am off tomorrow - I might go to the pub for a bit later!!

I am trying not to be disappointed at losing no weight this week...I lost like 3 lb part way through the week and somehow it went back up again...? Never mind, I'm hopeful it will come off next week instead!

I have a day off tomorrow! woo hoo!! I suppose I'll be cleaning, shopping and gym-ing though!

bye for now!!

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