
Saturday, 5 March 2011

Why I write a blog...

I like writing a blog. I get to record little snippets of my life, what I am doing, how I feel about it, sometime I write about where I want to be or what I want to achieve. I write about what other members of my family are doing, or my friends or even my pets! I can complain or laugh or just waffle...
I don't expect people to read what I write...the main reason I write this is so that in the future - near future or otherwise, I can read back and remind myself of those little mundane things I would otherwise forget about, or the laughs that I might have or the issues I sometimes have to deal with. If people do want to read it - then cool, that's fine - and its nice when people email me and comment or agree or disagree and so forth.
However, it does bother me a little bit when I get asked or questioned about why I write this when I don't have really interesting things to talk about unlike the rich or famous or explorers or astronauts or...errr other people that you might think would be really interesting! I don't think I have to lead a massively exciting life in order to have things to talk about! Personally I would love it if all my friends and family wrote something like this - I would love to have an almost daily insight into my brothers and sisters lives... or my parents - or whoever! Especially when they live far away and I cant or don't have that daily interaction that I would like to have. I like to read random people's blogs - like a women who lives in Canada and works in a cafe and has 4 wouldn't think that is massively exciting but its interesting to see how other people live, and how they think, how they interact, and how their life compares to mine...
So...its up to you if you want to read what I write...just don't criticise or mock me for it...I don't claim to be interesting, I don't claim to be a brilliant writer either, to be humorous or clever. Its just me sticking words together, and keeping them and letting other people who might want to read it.
If this sounds like I am having a huge rant then let me clarify...I am not having a rant, I was a little miffed at being judged but I am glad to have been made to think and answer questions as to why I write this is me thinking about it...explaining why and quite enjoying analysing the reasons! Its been fun! ;-)


  1. I like reading your stuff babe! Most people forget the little things and only remember the major things that happen, good or bad. However, it can be thse little things that really take you back to where you were at a point in time and remind you of life at that point.

    Plus, in 10, 20 or 30 years time, it will be really interesting to look back with such exacting clarity at what is going on now.

    One final thing... Imagine if we could read detailed blogs from people who were alive 200 years ago... It would be so different it would seem fascinating, so blogs like yours will do that for people in the future too.

    Love yer!


  2. Thanks babe! and thanks for leaving a comment - nobody ever does that! lol

  3. I totally agree! I think writing a blog is a brilliant idea for all the reasons you and Andy said. How awesome is it now to read back over what you did all these years ago! And you’d have totally forgot about me being a brat at 17...! Absolutely love reading your blog and will continue to do so!
