Tuesday 6 April 2010


well...I am still sat in my dressing gown, at my computer contemplating going to the gym - which is less of a contemplation now I have eaten chocolate brownies from last night, and fresh bread and butter. Now, I have to go to the gym to undo some of the damage. My OH also mentioned going to the pub tonight and I'm pretty bad at saying no, once it has been mentioned and the idea has lodged itself into my head!

This is where I go so wrong - I will go to the gym but I undo all the good I have done by eating stuff I shouldn't or drinking stuff I shouldn't!

So....sometime soon I am going to get off my butt and get ready and go to the gym. I need to decide what to do at the gym cos I recently got a personal trainer and I discussed with him all about my goals and not reaching them - despite being an active member of the gym for the past two years. Its seems that just doing cardio isn't really that productive! Yeah, I got quite fit but I wasn't losing weight cos my body became accustomed to burning all those calories. My worst problem is not keeping to a healthy diet (and fooling myself that I actually am). So, I am trying to keep to the exercises my PT set me...

I have been on a diet for more or less 2 years without any results. This is because I am good for a couple of days then bad...or I am organised then have nothing in so get take-out. I don't drink any alcohol all week - then have a long weekend off work so go out a couple of nights managing a bottle of wine (or close to it) each night.

My trouble is - I want to be fit and healthy and slim - and have fun!! I need to be much more organised - food wise, and I need to set limits regarding alcohol!

Okay...enough...I'm gonna give myself half an hour (cos I ate the bread) then I AM going to get up and get ready for the gym - and I am NOT going to the pub tonight!


Starting a blog


well, I guess I am doing this so I have somewhere to dump my waffle, my moans, my 'yeah!'s, my thoughts etc. somewhere to simply to write everything down and giving me the ability to look back on it.

I always used to write a diary as a kid but there was never enough detail in what I wrote, so when I look back on it, it's not that interesting. Hopefully what I write here will be thoughts and feelings and not too similar to my old diary "today I went to school, then went swimming it was good"

I am currently sat in my dressing gown, drinking a not-very-nice-coffee, feeling tired and regretting all the cake I ate last night... I go away to Egypt in 11 weeks and have quite a lot of weight to lose in that time (I'd be happy with a stone), and I am very determined to lose it...until I fancy red wine or cake...which is quite often...then it all goes to ruin.

Last night, friends of ours, Yvonne and Stuart came around for a 'dinner party', I don't really know what constitutes a 'dinner party' but that's what I called it! We had beef in Guiness and Beef Stroganauf to choose from and rice, and oven roasted potatoes followed by chocolate brownies. It went okay but the Stroganauf tasted of Lemon (thanks to Jamie Oliver!). Anyway, we had a good laugh as we went through a couple of bottles of red wine and a few gin and tonic's!

Problem came today (my weigh-in day) and I am the same weight as I was last week (and I cheated mid-week and jumped on the scales and I had lost a bit of weight - obviously I put it back on again!) I subscribe to a diet website called Weightlossresources and I have a Diet buddy on there called Lola. We are supposed to offer moral support to each other but we tend to complain about how much chocolate we have eaten and how strange it is that we are not losing weight!

So...I want to lose weight... but I love cooking, eating and drinking red wine. Not a good combination.

I am married to Andy who I adore - even after 12-13 years (we cant remember exactly how long it's been) and we have 3 kids - I told them I would change their names on here and asked them what they would like to be called - my daughter said Barbara, lol (sorry anybody called Barbara) and my son said Rodney, hehehe (sorry anybody called Rodney!) and he also said blogs are for losers - then asked me what one was! Barb's and Roddy are 16 yr old twins who are about to take all their GCSE's so its great fun at the moment trying to get them to revise and avoid their strops! My eldest son is in the army - he is 18 yrs old - I don't know what his fake name is going to be yet!

I work shifts so I am often really tired, my husband is between (geeky IT type) jobs so is often at home - he also writes music for films. I am doing a photography course online - but whether I'll ever be any good at photography remains to be seen!

Okay - thats an introduction into my life! I hope to be back soon!