HHhmmm Bourbon and Coke! Not something I would have liked not so long ago. I like a few things I never used to like, I used to really hate Brandy and olives and now I love them (not together) it is strange how your taste changes over time, although I cant think of anything I used to like and now don't...hmmm maybe it only works the other way around??
I had a PT session today - it was quite tough which is a good thing, I really feel like I am getting fitter and stronger. Actually I am eating healthily, going to the gym quite a lot and I gave up smoking 7 weeks ago and I am feeling really good. However, this must be a good day because I don't always feel so positive (maybe its the bourbon and coke lol). So, my PT session was tough...although I still had time/energy to worry about the red rash that came up on my legs and looked really silly. Just before I left to go to the gym I realised that I had hairy legs and didn't have time to do anything about it - other than a little dry shaving...then I got a really stingy red rash on my legs. At one point in the PT session at a time when I though it might be noticeable I decided to lie and said to my PT trainer, "look at that! I cut the grass this morning and I'm allergic to it!" hehehehe
Me and the OH went to our scuba diving lesson in the pool tonight. Every week I think I cant be bothered...and we have to get loads of stuff in the car (my tiny smart car) and its about 15 miles away and lugging cylinders and BCD's (the jackets) and regulators (all the 'pipes'), and the fins and masks and gym bag is a pain in the butt. But then we go and afterwards I always think That was cool!!! Tonight we had to do stuff like take your mask off in the deep end (3 meters) and put it back on and clear it, and use your 'buddies' air supply and other stuff. Fun fun fun...cant wait to dive in Egypt when we go in June/July.
It's not fair I need to go to bed because I have to get up early tomorrow and I don't want to!!!!
Oh btw the picture I added today is my collage! lol I did one of all the kids and my OH this morning - well the computer program I had did it really!