Saturday 21 April 2018

Saturday - park run day!

Morning all,

I woke up this morning at 7.30...before my alarm went off. I wanted to do the park run today and beat my time.  I've only done it twice before and my times were 35:51 the first time and 36:22 the 2nd time.  On both occasions there was a long section of really awful mud and on the second occasion the puddles were more like long long rivers!  Today was dry and so much better!  I was determined to beat my time and I've done a lot of running lately.  My time today was 33:22!! So beat it by quite a bit!

I am aiming for less than 30 minutes but that's quite a lot to knock off, so don't expect to do than any time soon!

I was really pleased with my time, although it was a little disheartening to see I was so far down on the list of the results - I came 294th out of 357.   This is an incentive to do better!

Hehe...I was obviously happy to finish! Think this is me saying YAY!

I came home and had a lovely soak in the bath...then we eventually got ready and went to Helen and Pauls.  Saw their amazing new kitchen, had a few drinkies and went out into Paignton, and to our usual haunt - The Spinning Wheel - AKA The Spinney.  They always have a band on and Andy and Paul said tonight's was rubbish - to be honest me and Helen were chatting so much I didn't hear them.  We chatted loads - lots about running as we have now both got into it.  It is brilliant having somebody to talk to about running - who is about the same standard as me.  We spoke about running shoes, running bra's, routes that we do, hill runs...etc.  SO boring for anybody not into running - I was worried I would bore Helen, but I really think she is just as enthusiastic as me!

Anyway - we also had a really good laugh too - it wasn't ALL about running!!

So, a good time was had by all!  We went home via the kebab shop and I had chips and curry sauce - god it was good!!!  Think I went to bed about 2am,,,,thinking...not too sure about running tomorrow....