Sunday 5 April 2020

YouTube dancing!


So - seen loads of funny dances and things online that ppl are doing whilst in lockdown - I was determined to do one, but Andy really didn't want to do it with me - but once I started practising he joined in - we ended up in the garden trying to film it - and inevitably one of us went wrong each time - took ages hahah

Unfortunately I have NEVER been able to get a video to work on this blog!  Shame cos I challenged Lissa to do a pregnancy one - which she did lol.  I challenged all the kids and partners to do one and they have all let me down.  I am hoping that once they see ours they might make more of an effort!!

Try this link:

I spoke to my dad again and he sounded awful.  I am extremely worried about him now - his breathing is just awful.  He also sounded a little confused at times but that might just have been us struggling to understand each other.   Nothing I can do!

We got online with Helen and Paul - set up a camera pointing downwards to a board game - and could see each other on computer monitor - was playing Dingbats - and had a really good laugh!  Was a pretty awesome evening - just like getting together. 

We didn't go to bed until about 3am!  Was a proper chill out day yesterday - try and forget all our worries.  I think it did us a lot of good!