It's 11:10am and I have to leave the house at 12:00 to get to work at 1pm and I wont finish until 10pm (if I'm lucky last night I didn't finish until 11:30pm)
I decided to have a day off the gym and allow myself a bit of recovery time as my muscles feel a little worn out...so I stayed in bed until 10am!! That is such a luxury!
Then...a parcel turned up for me........... Just before Christmas I won a free prize draw which was supposed to be over £1000 of prizes. They still claim it is, but I haven't received about £350 worth of prizes and I was told I am not getting the £100 New Look voucher any more (That I promised to my daughter on Christmas day and she cried when I told her we were not getting it any more!) and I am still waiting for some stuff...I do however have a massive (car) battery operated mini cooper, which I will eventually get around to selling but at the moment it is part of the furniture.
Anyway I got a £100 USC voucher so I eventually picked out some clothes to the value of £99 and they turned up today and everything fits! I got quite a lot of 'stuff' too because it was all in the sale.
I am sooooo looking forward to going to Cuba! I just cant wait to get away and chill-ax! We went to Dubai last year (just me and the OH) and it was the type of holiday we have never had before - where we did nothing all day! We have never really been beach people before but we just swam in the sea which was strangely warm, and read books and chilled out - and the food was phenomenal - the holiday was very expensive for a week and just two of us but it was so good.
I am hoping Cuba will be similar because its supposed to be a 5 star hotel, I just want to weigh less and look better by the time we go!
The twins are coming with us, I hope girl twin is a bit happier by then as she is all over the place at the moment - she's getting thrown off courses at college and doesn't want to go and saying so is unbelievably tired all the time (although she keeps staying up really late so go figure) she is just a teenage emotional roller coaster and its a shame as she was so organised and had her life so sorted out not too long ago....
Anyway - I had better go and get ready for work :-(