Wednesday 11 July 2018



So - I went out with the running club last night - just 5 of us in a small group - Michael who leads it said it would be a short, slow run and the pub! and that is exactly what it was.  Too slow to be honest - but I was there and running and that is what counts.  We stopped in the pub and Michael bought us a drink - I had a coke and I had finished it before we sat down at the outside table!  We chatted quite a bit - one woman didn't speak at all!  We ended up on the subject of religion! Me and Michael said we were not religious and one woman said - she does not know how any adult can survive in this world without 'his' love.  Each to their own I guess!  Michael then said to me - Tracey said you live in a big house in Bishops Hull - and I said yeah thats right - and he said - yeah and you nearly bought that other big house on the High Street...and I said - yeah that is the one that got us interested in taunton (I was thinking, why had Tracey been telling him these things - how had their conversation gone? I guess it went like this - That Sam never shuts up about the big house they bought - or the other big houses they nearly bought!  If that is right - I am so glad it was Michael that had brought up the subject and not me or he'd be going back to tracey saying - I see what you mean!!)

Anyway - both Michael and the quiet woman both said they'd been in the house when it was a conference centre (South west Learning), I thought that was cool - that they knew the house (and how big and grand it is muh ahahah).

So anyway I got back from the run feeling great for having gone, got a shower and food and we watched some stuff before going to bed.

This morning I got up - made a brew - was on my laptop for a bit and then and went to speak to Emily about doing the couch to 5k with the running club which starts next Tuesday.  She was undecided and a little nervous but I think I have convinced her that it starts very very slow - mostly walking - and I said I'd do it with her at first because she is nervous about not knowing anybody.  We then continued talking for ages - about diet and exercise, about my brother Andrew and his family and her mum and her grandparents - about lots of stuff.  We ended on - the circuit training we are going to do later today!  I am starting to stick to my diet now that we are doing this together and have agreed to weigh-in every week!  I can't weigh in every week and it not change! lol.  I guess this week will be no change for me however - as we weighed in on Thursday and I didn't change my diet at all until about 2 days ago! When we went to the river at the weekend she had her diet stuff and I was eating pork pies and drinking cider hahaha

She hasn't enjoyed the running so far but likes the circuit training - and I reminded her that she doesn't like the running because it is so hard.  This I think - is the reason to stick with it, because if you can get good at it, then it is a real achievement.  Today however, we are doing circuit training with no running.  If I could fit in 2.6km afterwards though I wont fall behind again on my challenge - but we'll see!

So - just made lunch for me and Andy and it is now 14.37.  I have done nothing whatsoever on the house and I don't like this, but I really don't know what to do!!  I think tomorrow I will get the tile cutter out and give it a go on the small very thick floor tiles that need just 2mm off the side.  Not an easy or pleasant job - but I got to try it!  I might also go out and get all the paint for the dining room. 

So now - I am going to put together a circuit training plan for later. We need to get in gym, showered and organised by the time the football starts at 7pm.  Andy will be a nightmare - he gets so nervous...and if we lose he will be properly annoyed and/or upset.  If we win - we will be in the final against France on Saturday!

see you later!