Monday 16 July 2018


So - we got up at Helen and Paul's - after a good nights sleep! 

Paul again, fed us well at breakfast - then we got ready and went to the beach - I think it was Broad Sands. It was awesome weather - and Helen and Paul took their two Kayak's.

Connor and Emily went out in the double Kayak and I took the single one - and we went for a wander around the coast! it was really run!!  We then chilled and chatted and had a beer! and we stayed until about 3pm - then we set off back home.


So - I don't even remember what I did Thursday and Friday so it cant of been that interesting - actually Friday I sort of felt ill - I could hardly move.  I felt weak and had no energy! I had wanted to get the house all tidy ready for Andy's two week holiday....but I just couldn't! I managed to rouse myself after a few gin and tonic's - enough to have a few games of pool with Andy, Connor and Emily.

Saturday - we were lazy and chilled - until we got ready to go to Helen and Paul's - Connor and Emily came along - we got there, and had a few drinks in the garden and had a BBQ - Paul always does amazing food - he is really good at entertaining - I can never pull it off like he does!  We then got a couple of Taxi's into Paignton and went to the spinny.  Wasn't sure what Connor and Emily would make of the Spiny as it has an older clientele and the live band isn't always amazing, but we always have a good laugh - and we did again.  I think Connor and Emily enjoyed it as much as we did. 

Me and Helen messed about on snapchat - the bottom one here - really made us laugh!!

When it got later - we were talking about leaving - and Helen really didn't want to go! So - she suggested shots - Andy and Paul - went to the bar and got Tequila shots!! 

Just a few random pics:

We always finish the night having a quick wander n the beach in the dark. Then head to the taxi rank via the chippy! lol

We got back to Helen and Pauls and carried on for quite a while - we were in the garden and looking at the stars because it was so clear - we could see the Milky Way - Andy was trying to stress how significant it was - but we were all pretty wasted lol.  I did however try my best to take in the sight!!

Eventually went to bed about 3am.  We'd had an awesome night!!