The picture has just been taken by my daughter on my phone - so this is me writing my blog!
I have a whole 2 days off work! Then I am on 3 earlies then the following day I move to Staines on lates, so I am going to be knackered!
I spoke to my boss about the 'slightly disorganised in her day to day work' comment, and he totally agreed with me that it sounded very wrong - and he changed it to - on one or two occasions I missed an email,,,or something along those lines. So I got all stressed out about it - then he agreed with me and changed it! I was so relieved!
I wrote an email to my new boss yesterday, saying Hello! I'm looking forward to moving to Staines and meeting you and the team on Sunday - however I need Monday off... Not a good start! lol but I need to go to the hospital with girl-twin as she should get the results of some tests she had done on her heart as she gets a racing heart, and a bit of pain and dizziness and stuff - so its been a bit worrying.
So - in abut 20 minutes I am leaving to go to an appointment (that I haven't decided whether or not to discuss on her yet) then I'll probably do some food shopping, make something for dinner that I can heat up later, then hopefully chill out a bit. Andy cant get home until about 8pm so we are going to go the gym late - then eat - and our neighbour Alan is coming over for a brew at about 9.30pm.
Don't I lead an exciting life?? Of course I didn't mention the other stuff I'll be doing, like putting washing away and tidying up...
Okay - I'm off - might speak to you later xxx