Sunday 17 June 2018

Saturday - Park Run

I was up quite early because Andy was I went up to the top attic floor to sleep and all the cats followed me - I can't shut them out as there is only a curtain to shut off that room! They woke me up constantly...then the bright bright sun was up at 5am!  I got up about 7.30 and got ready for the run...the others appeared about 8.10...and we left on time about 8.40am

So....park run...with Lissa, Erika and Adam!

We all started off together...a fairly slow start because of the volume of wasn't long at all until Adam said...see ya! Not long after Lissa went off ahead.  Me and Erika stuck together for a while...then I was struggling to I backed off.  I kept Erika in my sights (and Lissa for a while - but then couldn't see her anymore).  I needed to walk and get my breathe twice, and I saw Erika get a bit further away....the last 1.5km I tried to increase my speed slightly so I wasn't so far behind Erika...I slowly slowly closed the gap a bit...but it was killing me lol.  On the last 2-300 metres I was right behind Erika and was going to try and get past her, but as I tried to increase speed - she did too! I past a guy who acted as though he was not impressed and it felt like he tried to pass back in front of me - so I gave it everything I had! lol.  I tell you this as he ended up in the same photo (below)....he didn't get past me!   Erika came in just before me with a girl between me and her.  As soon as she past the finish line - she went off to the side and threw up! lol. 

So our times were.....

Adam - 25:34 ( he didn't have a barcode)
Lissa - 29:41
Erika - 31.54
Me - 31.57 time was exactly the same as my previous pb.  So I was really was Lissa for getting under 30...although she's done it in 26 before...

It was awesome having family run it with me - and a great way to start the day!

Some pics....

The only one I could find of Erika (top left corner)


Me and Lissa




Today was cleaning day - and omg - this house takes a LONG TIME to clean!!  Next time i have to clean the whole house I need three days not two.

I was sweating all day - beds - I had a big list.  All day I chatted on messenger with Lissa while I was doing it which was rely nice.  I was sending her pics of my list and the ticks I, was adding to it....when she got here she gave me a B for effort - and somebody else changed it to a B minus! lol

So...Adam and Erika were the first to arrive at about 7pm.  I made them some chicken burgers lol.  Then Lissa and Antony turned up at about 9pm...and then I had to wait until about 10.20pm to go and pick Connor and Emily up from the train station.  Then we all had a drink and played pool!  Me and Lissa were planning on doing the Park run together on the saturday morning - and Adam and Erika said they were going to do it too! That was a game changer haha! Instead of me and Lissa thinking that we were going to do a leisurely run - it suddenly got a little competitive!  Not as far as I was concerned because I knew they would all beat me!  Adam (when he was about 18) had done 10k in 36 minutes - so a proper elite pace, Erika used to run half marathons...and go out a lot running 16 or 20k, and Lissa is mega fit!! Connor was debating doing it too...but hasn't done any running, but he's still fit because of all the cycling he has done.  So a lot of the chatter was about the run....we didn't want to drink too much or go to bed too late...but I don't think I went to bed until about 1am anyway!

Was sooooo good to see everybody and us all be together again!

Before Connor & Emily got here me and Andy had discussed them moving in and we were looking forward to hearing what their plan was.  Before I asked him he said to, mum, what are we doing? are we getting jobs in Taunton or Bristol? how long are we staying? I laughed saying I was looking forward to hearing your plan! He looked to Emily and we have a plan...and she said errrrrr...... idea lol.