Wednesday 23 May 2018

Wednesday 23 May 2018

So....yesterday - in addition to the meatball meal, cake and hotdog I ate, I went on to eat so many of the cakes that I got from Ikea....  Yesterday I didn't do any exercise, and I did no work on the house.  I started to feel pretty crap about myself.  When I went to bed, I decided that I was going to have a think about what I wanted to do and how I was going to change.  I decided that this morning, I would email about the floorboards, and call about getting a quote just for 1st fix on the bathroom and the radiators done (as the whole quote was too much), and I was going to work on the tiles in the back porch - because I am able to do that.  I also decided to write down a circuit training plan incorporating all the exercises and stretches I need to do to get my hip/butt/calves right for running.  I have also decided to start calorie counting again.

So - I have emailed/called, I have written down my circuit training plan...and I have started to do the tiles.  I am currently having a break because its not easy!  I'm on my hands and knees not only trying to get broken tiles out but trying to get the little bits of grout out because the new tiles are not fitting in the gaps!  Its doing my head in - there is going to be soooo much prep work before I can even start thinking of putting the new tiles in.  I've already broken or chipped some original tiles that were okay and now will need replacing.  This is how I have left it....

The ground is uneven too - and some of the new tiles are going to stick up - so I'll have to try and chip away some concrete underneath.  The worse thing though is definitely that the tiles wont actually fit in....and I might have to get the wet cutter out and try and take just 1mm off - can't imagine that going well.  If I fill the holes you can see in the pic, with the new tiles - they don't fit stick up all over the place - and look awful.  I can't leave em like that so i have my work cut out!

Meanwhile, I let the kittens outside and after a while thought that I'd not seen them for a bit...went and looked and found the big silver cat (a neighbours cat) around the bottom of a tree with both kittens up it...and both my big cats hiding in the long silver cat is ruling all four of my cats! I obviously saved them all....hoping that May - the black and white kitten is going to grow the biggest and kick its ass!!

So, I'm going to finish my coffee and get back on with the tiles.  I just need to keep chipping away (literally) until I get it right.  I am resisting the urge to just get the new tiles in - I am a very impatient person - so it is difficult to resist that urge!

See you later......

So...I now know why I'm having such a nightmare with the tiles! The white ones are about 1mm bigger than the black ones!

This might be a small difference - but makes ALL the difference when it comes to getting them to fit!!!!

I called the guy at the tile shop and he said...Oh, I've never heard of that before! Well, I'm not lying...or stupid! I felt I had to convince him that it was true!  They will replace them...but in a week!! GGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr