Monday 28 February 2011

Quick update..


I started my new job on Sunday...and I managed to cycle there and get changed and organised and to a desk on time! was the best first day ever!! It was busy, and my team seem really nice, and there was none of that awful...sitting there like a spare part, like you get on first days - because its the same job but different location. Interviewing people is my favourite part of my job and I usually get to interview about once in 2-3 weeks, whereas I got 3 interviews on my first day! I ended up leaving at midnight - so got two hours overtime, then I cycled home again!
Today, I cycled again - got a locker, nobody gets lockers but because I cycle I got one - wow I feel special (not really!!) it wasn't as busy as Sunday but still fun. The atmosphere in the office is good, I'm looking forward to feeling more part of the team and having more of a laugh with them. At the moment there are still too many people I don't know - it is always fun when you know everyone. When they all start taking the mickey outta me, then I'll know I've settled in!
anyway I'm tired...and I am going from a late shift to an early one tomorrow :-(.....g'night...

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Day Off!!


The picture has just been taken by my daughter on my phone - so this is me writing my blog!

I have a whole 2 days off work! Then I am on 3 earlies then the following day I move to Staines on lates, so I am going to be knackered!

I spoke to my boss about the 'slightly disorganised in her day to day work' comment, and he totally agreed with me that it sounded very wrong - and he changed it to - on one or two occasions I missed an email,,,or something along those lines. So I got all stressed out about it - then he agreed with me and changed it! I was so relieved!

I wrote an email to my new boss yesterday, saying Hello! I'm looking forward to moving to Staines and meeting you and the team on Sunday - however I need Monday off... Not a good start! lol but I need to go to the hospital with girl-twin as she should get the results of some tests she had done on her heart as she gets a racing heart, and a bit of pain and dizziness and stuff - so its been a bit worrying.

So - in abut 20 minutes I am leaving to go to an appointment (that I haven't decided whether or not to discuss on her yet) then I'll probably do some food shopping, make something for dinner that I can heat up later, then hopefully chill out a bit. Andy cant get home until about 8pm so we are going to go the gym late - then eat - and our neighbour Alan is coming over for a brew at about 9.30pm.

Don't I lead an exciting life?? Of course I didn't mention the other stuff I'll be doing, like putting washing away and tidying up...

Okay - I'm off - might speak to you later xxx

Monday 21 February 2011

Another Day...


I am not in such a good mood today - because my boss wrote a 6 month review about me and it was more than glowing all the way through...and then almost because he thought he should write something negative about me he said The only slightly negative thing I could say is that Sam is slightly disorganised in her day to day working
I think he is referring to a couple of occasions when I forgot to do something - and the rest of the time I am very organised at work! (much more so than at home! lol)
My boss saying that I am slightly disorganised in day to day work is so wide ranging! It could mean - getting in late, not making calls, being late for appointments, not answering emails, not getting back to people etc. etc. all of which I have no problem with whatsoever. Also - after all the really good stuff he says about me he finishes with this - and that's the only thing any reader of the report will remember - and the fact that I am changing roles next week and my new boss might read it is very worrying. I tried to tell him I didn't like it yesterday but I couldn't put my finger on what I wanted to say - I now know, but its awkward going back to him about it again. I don't want him to think that its simply a matter of not liking anything negative he says...I want him to be more specific - in which area am I not organised? saying in day to day work is not good enough and if he doesn't change it I am going to have to tick the 'Disagree' box rather than 'Agree' - and then explain why. This is stressing me out.

Anyway - on a different note - its my 40th birthday in May and people have been asking what I intend to do...

I would like to have a party...but I can really do it locally as most of my family and some friends are in Manchester, but if I have a party there some people I would invite wont go because its too far away - and visa versa - either way I'll look a bit like billy-no-mates! Not that I do have a wide circle of friends anyway! (which is why it would be better if everyone come come).
I have been looking at places in Manchester - and asking my family for suggestions and up to now I have had a suggestion which included they also have security on the door which helps! That's a bit disconcerting! Another place, I thought might be suitable is listed online as a 1 star hotel...hmmm
So I'm struggling to make a decision about what to do - its stressful having a party and organising it - but at the same time I don't want to do nothing!

On a completely different note - I have an appointment tomorrow...I might embark on something scary...I haven't decided whether to talk about this openly or not - I might decide after tomorrow....

Today being a Monday is weigh-in day! I had a rant a week or two ago that I worked so hard and only lost 1/2lb...I also had a rant on the website I use to track my food/calories/exercise/progress etc. and I got feedback off other dieters - mainly telling me that I wasn't eating enough and if I worked off 500 calories in the gym I should eat an extra 500 calories - I thought this defeated the object however - I was given this link:

This article was brilliant! and so I increased the amount I eat - which is no heartache!! lol and this week I lost..........2lb!!

So since January I have lost 7lb...its just a shame I'm still nowhere near what I was just last year...anyway - a long way to go but I'm determined to plod on and lose loads o weight!

Right - I have to go to work soon and face my boss with my complaint....better get ready...


Friday 18 February 2011

Friday - my Sunday Night!


Today has been a big gym day - I had a personal trainer session at 11am - and then I met Andy in the gym at I am having a couple of alcoholic drinks (vodka and coke :-) as I have the calorie allowance!!
I am back at work tomorrow - I hate it when everyone on facebook etc. talk about how happy they are that it is Friday - when I know I am back at work on Saturday. I am on late's however, so I don't have to get up early. I have this clock (won in a competition) that you can program to count down to certain events, like a holiday or your birthday and it automatically tells you that its the weekend. I was sat at my desk watching my big fat gypsy wedding lol - when at 5pm this clock beeps and says Its the weekend! Yipee! and its still flashing the message now! Its a shame I can't program my shifts into it so it doesn't annoy me when I have to work at the weekend!

Changing the subject - the twins told me about his thing that they do - they call your name - then say - nothing owned. Meaning - they didn't want anything, and your owned, which is difficult to explain - but basically means - ha! they got you - they won! So - we have been doing it to them and its really quite funny! Andy shouted down the stairs - can you tell Connor (boy twin) to come upstairs and turn his light off again - and when Connor got up the stairs Andy said Nothing owned!! hahahha
I have been texting them saying Nothing owned! It is annoying when they keep getting me though...actually I wonder what will happen if I text Yvonne saying Nothing owned - and see what her reaction is....just texting her now....

I spent most of my day off playing games online, window shopping online (going to a website - like my favourite All Saints - and adding the things I want to the shopping basket - and eventually just clicking off the site) and watching documentaries on C4 On demand - I watched My big fat gypsy wedding, then I watched this thing about people who kept growing and something about a model who got acid thrown in her basically I just chilled out and watched 'stuff' which was really nice.

Yvonne hasn't texted back....

Its a week until I change jobs and start working in Staines - and I haven't got my bike ready, I need to be able to carry my new smart work clothes to work without creasing them all...

Yvonne just texted back- she said..."according to Stuart you didn't spell it with a p so your a loser"

lol - the definition or powned is: a word meaning "owned". used mostly to describe winning in some video game. famous among the geeks, nerds, dorks, and gamers.

I said "haha I knew it would be Stuart that would get it or comment cos your not down wiv da kids"

Yvonne said "I still don't get it"....

I rest my case - mentally she is older than me.

I just put a picture of Yvonne up - I like to put a picture up every time I post - I couldn't find anything today so she'll have to do! LOL - kidding!

I'm off to have another vodka and coke! (even though its my Sunday night)

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Long day....

Every time I get told - you can start at 7am and finish early - something happens which means I end up working late!
To get to Guildford and into work by 7am I have to get up sooooo early that I cant get to sleep because I worry too much about getting up!! I was at my desk at 7am and at 9am I realised I needed to be in court by 10am...and then I spent the whole day there, until about 6pm - with very successful outcome I might add! Yvonne gave me a lift back to my car - luckily I survived after she drove out of work practically on the wrong side of the road in the dark with no lights on! hehehe...I very much appreciated the lift though (in case she reads this)
It was gone 7pm by the time I got home. Being the dedicated, fitness fanatic loony that I am, I still went to the gym straight from work. I saw my personal trainer (Steve) when I was there - he came over and examined the speed on the running machine, made it go faster and walked away - I was on the bike! hahaha just kidding!
Anyway - as Yvonne tells me - my life is boring! I have nothing else to say today!
BTW the picture is a silly random picture with no particular reason for it!

Monday 14 February 2011

valentines day...

Today was the first day in work out of uniform! woo! It was nice not having the frumpy horrible blue uniform on! So it was nice choosing what to wear - I'm sure the novelty will wear off and I'll get fed up with trying to think of what to put on each morning rather than just sticking the uniform on! It was a bit like Mufti day - or whatever they call it these days (its used to be non-school uniform day!) Hopefully I'll feel less self conscious tomorrow!
It was a training day at work - and although it was interesting I could hardly keep my eyes open!! I was soooo tired...
I have to walk back to my car after work which is just under a mile and a half - I walk it with my boss (Andy) most days. When we got outside tonight it was throwing it down!! I got my umbrella out and Andy took it off me and told me to share - he is over six foot and I'm 5'3'' and to cut a long story shot I got drenched! so did he to be honest and he didn't have a coat on! I gave up trying to get under the umbrella and wrapped my scarf around my head like an OAP...then it started to hail stone and I realised after a while that it was piling up on top of my head! Let me emphasise that I didn't put up with this because he is my boss! Its just because he is cheeky and thinks its funny and errrrr....I don't actually know why I put up with it! I don't always!
Anyway - the drive home was really hard because I was sooooo tired! My eyes were killing me! I got in - moaned at girl-twin because she keeps skipping lessons then I crawled into bed and woke up 2 hours later! (about 8pm) and now I'm worried I wont be able to sleep later!

It was my weigh-in day today - 1 lb this week. Its gonna be a very slow process me thinks!! Andy (hubby not boss) on the other hand is shrinking on a daily basis and is looking great...I'm not at all jealous....

Sunday 13 February 2011

Weekend is over...again...

I cannot believe that the weekend is over already and I have to start thinking about going to bed so that I can get up in the morning...
It has been a nice weekend though - shopping on Saturday and then gym this morning followed by Yvonne and Stuart coming around.

Yvonne wanted to do some photography - she has formed an interest in portrait photography - something I have never really touched upon. We used my lovely daughter as a model, and Yvonne put make-up on her and we both took some pictures - it was really nice to spend some time with them both!
Then we all had dinner together and apparently I talked too much because I was last to finish! Ha! I think I just eat slower...
Its valentines day tomorrow - so I will expect tons of cards will fall through other people's letterbox's! lol... We don't really bother - we have our own romantics nights out and gestures! Or...maybe we are just getting old and the commercialisation of it all is annoying!

I heard a really bad valentine poem today - some people may think that its really bad but I really laughed...

Roses are red, Violets are blue, I've got a knife - get into the van!

hehehehe...but awful too.

I need to get to bed... :-(

Saturday 12 February 2011

The weekend!!!!!


Today is Saturday and I had a day off! wooo hooo!!
As we no longer need to wear a uniform at work as from Monday, I decided to go shopping! The uniform I have been wearing consisted of a light blue shirt, a cheap - a highly flammable jumper and wide awful cheap thin blue trousers. We went to Westfields and I got 4 dress suits and a shirt! :-) I want to look smart at work! I also bought some cos a fortune to be honest - although I had £100 voucher from Debenham's (won in that competition I mentioned in my last post!)
Some people are going to dress casual, some people will dress very smart and some people will dress inbetween - I want to be one of the smart people! I am hoping the stuff I bought will also look nice and still fit me when I lose some weight as I am determined to lose weight - I will and I am losing weight - so I hope it will all still be fine to wear!

I must admit I am feeling a little bit drunken at the moment - all within my calorie limit I might add!! we went to the gym this morning - then went shopping and then went to the pub (wearing my new shoes!).
I think the butty and crisps I had after getting in from the pub might have taken me over my calorie allowance however - but I'll make it up at the gym tomorrow! :-)

I am feeling positive at the moment! I have lost 2 lb this week - I have stopped having caffeine, starting drinking water (I normally only drink coffee and I have really suffered from withdrawal symptoms - seriously its like giving up smoking) I have started eating more calories (using up the calories I burn at the gym) and stopped working too hard at the gym...and something seems to be working!

At work I have 2 weeks left in Guildford until I move to Staines - that's a bit daunting! New people I have to get to know and having to prove myself again etc. etc.......I also need to work out the logistics of cycling to work and back and getting changed at work when there is nowhere to store anything when I get there....hey ho - I'll figure it out!

Tomorrow, Mad Yvonne is supposed to coming around - and hopefully her and stuart will stay for sunday roast....

anyway - I'm watching something on TV now .... :-)

Thursday 10 February 2011

A Thursday...


It's 11:10am and I have to leave the house at 12:00 to get to work at 1pm and I wont finish until 10pm (if I'm lucky last night I didn't finish until 11:30pm)
I decided to have a day off the gym and allow myself a bit of recovery time as my muscles feel a little worn I stayed in bed until 10am!! That is such a luxury!
Then...a parcel turned up for me........... Just before Christmas I won a free prize draw which was supposed to be over £1000 of prizes. They still claim it is, but I haven't received about £350 worth of prizes and I was told I am not getting the £100 New Look voucher any more (That I promised to my daughter on Christmas day and she cried when I told her we were not getting it any more!) and I am still waiting for some stuff...I do however have a massive (car) battery operated mini cooper, which I will eventually get around to selling but at the moment it is part of the furniture.
Anyway I got a £100 USC voucher so I eventually picked out some clothes to the value of £99 and they turned up today and everything fits! I got quite a lot of 'stuff' too because it was all in the sale.
I am sooooo looking forward to going to Cuba! I just cant wait to get away and chill-ax! We went to Dubai last year (just me and the OH) and it was the type of holiday we have never had before - where we did nothing all day! We have never really been beach people before but we just swam in the sea which was strangely warm, and read books and chilled out - and the food was phenomenal - the holiday was very expensive for a week and just two of us but it was so good.

I am hoping Cuba will be similar because its supposed to be a 5 star hotel, I just want to weigh less and look better by the time we go!

The twins are coming with us, I hope girl twin is a bit happier by then as she is all over the place at the moment - she's getting thrown off courses at college and doesn't want to go and saying so is unbelievably tired all the time (although she keeps staying up really late so go figure) she is just a teenage emotional roller coaster and its a shame as she was so organised and had her life so sorted out not too long ago....

Anyway - I had better go and get ready for work :-(


Monday 7 February 2011

Weigh-in day

Okay, I realise that this is probably totally boring for anybody else reading this...but I slogged my guts out in the gym last week (4 hours 43 minutes of slog) I kept to my diet - even cut out coffee because of the sugar and caffeine and I lost a grand total of ..........drum roll.........1/2 pound!! I soooo deserved more than that!!!

I subscribe to a diet website called weight loss resources - its a good way to track everything you eat and the exercise you do and you can have a weekly weigh-in and you get cool graphs and statistics.... After my miserable 1/2 pound loss this morning I posted a moan on the forum entitled Its not worth it... and I got over 40 replies (including a little bit of falling out between the post-tees). To sum up the advice I got, I should eat more and exercise less vigorously! Cool! I'm sure I can do that!!

I started eating more by making a really nice chicken and butternut squash curry - it was easy, yum and only 575 calories! (pictured top right!) We always start experimenting with new recipes when we start dieting/eating healthy - in the last week we have had Chinese chilli chicken which was so nice we had it two nights on the run, then we had Kung Pao Chicken which was also very nice!

well that's the boring part of today's blog over with now for the fun part....

ahem....sorry I am just feeling boring today.....

Sunday 6 February 2011

sunday afternoon

I am sat in my home office feeling all clean and healthy after having been to the gym and showered and now in my PJ's with chicken in the oven ready for a Sunday roast soon...yum!!!

This time last week I was in Manchester very worried about my dad. On the Friday morning at work I took a phone call on my mobile from my Nan - who said "Hi Samantha, its your nan, your dad has had a stroke and your mum is waiting for the ambulance...she asked me to let everybody know but I don't have anybodies number!" This was followed by me shaking, and panicking and not allowing myself to think about the thought that was going through my mind, which was, Am I ever going to see my dad again? When I started to form that sentence in my head I stopped myself and distracted myself by trying to get in touch with everybody whilst getting myself home. I then threw some stuff in a bag and my OH who is brilliantly supportive in any situation, made sure I was okay and had everything, and we both jumped in the car and started the 4 hour journey to Manchester.
To cut a long story short - he had 4 mini strokes and recovered after each one, he then had medication to get rid of a clot followed by surgery to widen the artery in his neck...then he went back home and is making a miraculous recovery!! phew!! None of my family would have coped if the outcome had been different. My dad is one of the good people on this earth!
It was nice to spend time with the rest of my family while I was in Manchester - I stayed at my sisters house (Bev) we get on really well and I really miss her living so far away. Bev has 4 kids ranging in age from 12(?) to 22(?)ish...and I LOVE spending time at Bev's, meal times are especially cool - with everybody sat around the table chatting, laughing or occasionally arguing! It doesn't matter - as long as I can sit there taking all in feeling part of a wonderful family. I also got to see my other sister - Joanne and Helen. I get on really easily with Helen - we are closest in age and used to be really close when we lived close to each other and when I see her now I instantly feel at ease with her. It is much the same with the others - my two brothers and my eldest sister Joanne - I love seeing them all and catching up with them and seeing everybody's kids. Its only me and Bev who have grown up kids (well nearly - but we are no longer running around after toddlers like Andrew, Joanne and Helen are doing). Me and Bev like to sit there all smug thinking - we've been there and done that!! Its easier for us now!
All in all I have a great family that I love very much and I miss because I live in London and they (mostly) live in Manchester. Its a shame that such an awful event brought us together on this occasion but thank god it all ended well!

The picture I have posted at the top left is my mum and dad at New Year 2011 - my mum has a shot of golshlager (she isn't really a drinker) and my dad is in the background - they were walking into the room where most of the family were stood all wishing each other happy new year - I don't know what my mum was laughing at but I love the picture because its not posed for and is really natural. The other two pictures shows breakfast at our Bev's!!

Anyway - I had better go and sort out my roast dinner ....mouth waters.......