Wednesday 25 March 2020

Corona-virus...what are the chances?

I don't plan on giving each post the title 'coronavirus' however, I dont really have much else to talk about!

It is 6.20pm - and today I have put some washing away, done a couple of logic problems in the bath! made spaghetti on toast and emptied the dishwasher.  So - no real stories there!

I did also manage to get an online shopping delivery for tomorrow (after emailing and complaining that they claim to be giving priority to loyal customers!).  I think I am most relieved because it means that I can get my neighbour the things that she needs!

Other than that, I have been chilling, watching the news, reading the news, watching the worldwide continuing to obsess....although I am boring myself really....

The figures as at 6.20 pm (usually I have given the mornings numbers) are:

Total world cases:  384,838
Total fatalities:  16,595
UK total:  6,726
UK Fatalities: 335

Total world cases: 455,202
Total fatalities: 20,609
UK total: 8,227
UK Fatalities: 435

So - going up and up...

The ExCel Centre in central London, or whatever it is called is being turned into a hospital.  I saw this happening in another Country the other day, and I said to Andy - wow have you seen that! It would be like us doing that with the place we saw the Ideal Home Show - and apparently this ExCel building IS the place we saw the Ideal Home Show!  Its massive! If they expect to need that amount of space for all the people that need hospital treatment in London - then omg - the figures we are looking at are just numbers, imagining that ExCel Centre full of very sick people needing treatment is SCARY.

There have been reports of healthy young people dying too - mostly it is the elderly and people with medical problems who succumb - but then there are random reports, such as a 21 year old girl - died today and was previously healthy.  This makes you wonder if you will survive if you get it.  However, it seems we'll all get it eventually.

I'm guessing that as hard as I try to distance myself and take all precautions - I'm going to catch it and soon - seeing as I am out at work as from Monday...then Andy will get it.  Lets just hope we get mild symptoms like a lot of people are reporting.