Saturday 12 February 2011

The weekend!!!!!


Today is Saturday and I had a day off! wooo hooo!!
As we no longer need to wear a uniform at work as from Monday, I decided to go shopping! The uniform I have been wearing consisted of a light blue shirt, a cheap - a highly flammable jumper and wide awful cheap thin blue trousers. We went to Westfields and I got 4 dress suits and a shirt! :-) I want to look smart at work! I also bought some cos a fortune to be honest - although I had £100 voucher from Debenham's (won in that competition I mentioned in my last post!)
Some people are going to dress casual, some people will dress very smart and some people will dress inbetween - I want to be one of the smart people! I am hoping the stuff I bought will also look nice and still fit me when I lose some weight as I am determined to lose weight - I will and I am losing weight - so I hope it will all still be fine to wear!

I must admit I am feeling a little bit drunken at the moment - all within my calorie limit I might add!! we went to the gym this morning - then went shopping and then went to the pub (wearing my new shoes!).
I think the butty and crisps I had after getting in from the pub might have taken me over my calorie allowance however - but I'll make it up at the gym tomorrow! :-)

I am feeling positive at the moment! I have lost 2 lb this week - I have stopped having caffeine, starting drinking water (I normally only drink coffee and I have really suffered from withdrawal symptoms - seriously its like giving up smoking) I have started eating more calories (using up the calories I burn at the gym) and stopped working too hard at the gym...and something seems to be working!

At work I have 2 weeks left in Guildford until I move to Staines - that's a bit daunting! New people I have to get to know and having to prove myself again etc. etc.......I also need to work out the logistics of cycling to work and back and getting changed at work when there is nowhere to store anything when I get there....hey ho - I'll figure it out!

Tomorrow, Mad Yvonne is supposed to coming around - and hopefully her and stuart will stay for sunday roast....

anyway - I'm watching something on TV now .... :-)