Wednesday 21 April 2010

21st April 2010


Today was a 'hit the gym hard' day!! I ran to the gym, which is about a mile - rowed and lifted weights and did tricep dips and push-ups etc.. then ran home again! According to my Polar watch I burned 684 calories!! So I came home and treated myself to a luxury shower lol that included an Estee Lauder face mask to start...then in the shower I got the razor out and got my legs all smooth - then I used a body scrub, and an intensive conditioner on my hair. Then when I got out I used a luxury body lotion and lovely face stuff! I now feel great!

Actually...I did feel I am starting to ache! I have 26 minutes before I need to leave for work. My hair is still wet and I need to put a little make-up on! Then I have 10 whole hours at work (if I'm lucky and I don't have to stay late AGAIN).

I really don't have anything interesting to say today do I?

Oh well...if girl-twin reads this - then Hi!! I haven't seen you since the weekend and I have no idea what you have been up to and if you are okay...what you up to, you okay? How is boy-twin? Has he forgiven me for not letting him to to the gig yet?

That reminds me - dozy boy-twin called me at work the other day and asked if he could stay out later so I told him to call my OH and ask him. I later found out that boy-twin was late in because 'the bus broke down!' I call him on his mobile and asked if he had spoken to my OH about staying out late and he hadn't so I then questioned him at great length about the bus..then I told him that I was going to call the bus company...I gave him an opportunity to change his story and he admitted he had lied about the bus breaking down!! That's twice in about a week he has been caught out lying to me! He is obviously not very good at it!! I still felt guilty not letting him go to some gig he wanted to go to last night...

Anyway - I better go get ready for work!