Monday 18 May 2020

Post Birthday Fun


Well yesterday - the day after my birthday - I was quite tired and not as hung over as I deserved to be! 

I spent so much time sat on the couch and not moving that on 3 occasions my fitbit thought I'd had 1-2 hours sleep!  

I am pretty sure that we watched a whole series of something I can't remember the name of, in fact I can't even remember what it was about! Oh yes I do - it was about a woman going to Ibiza to try and find out how her brother had been killed 20 years earlier!

So yeah that was my day yesterday!  I have today off work again before working late's for the rest of the week.

So - Coronavirus - I've given myself a few days to not think about it, not really look at the news and trying not to get upset thinking about my dad.

The last time I made note of the figures was Tuesday last week and I did a snapshot of the figures last night - so almost a week....

Total world cases: 4,341,420------------------- 91,359 increase
Total fatalities:  292,846------------------------ 5,921 increase
UK total: 226,463------------------------------- 3,403  increase
UK Fatalities: 32,692--------------------------- 627 increase

Sunday 5 days later
Total world cases:4,740,605------------------- 399,185 increase (average daily increase of 79,837)
Total fatalities: 315,884 ------------------------23,038 increase (average daily increase of 4,607)
UK total: 243,303-------------------------------16,840 increase (average daily increase of 3,368)
UK Fatalities: 34,636--------------------------- 1,944 increase (average daily increase of 388)

Total world cases: 4,841,557------------------- 100,952 increase
Total fatalities:  319,919------------------------ 4.035 increase
UK total: 246,406------------------------------- 3,103 increase
UK Fatalities: 34,796--------------------------- 160 increase

Sunday was our smallest death increase since the lockdown apparently - 170, although we are still the country with the biggest losses in Europe - then today (Monday was smaller still at 160) I can't wait until we report no deaths in a day, because 160 sounds quite good considering at one point we were having 800-900 in a day, but it is still 160 families going through what my family have been through - and obviously 160 people actually losing their lives....

Nearly 35,000 people now - that is a lot of people.  In addition, we have had more deaths from other causes too because people have not gone to hospital when they should is still a crazy crazy world.

Strange that we seem to be getting used to it now.  Doesn't seem that weird anymore when you go outside and cross the street if somebody else is walking towards you, or give people a wide birth, not go in a shop if you can see people already inside, have shopping delivered outside your front door and leave it there until the delivery guy has gone - not see your family and friends other than online, all the news being about coronavirus because everything else pales into insignificance....
A small price to pay really, for your life I suppose.

Today the sun is out again....we have got all the excess alcohol out of our system - maybe we'll go out into the garden again? not sure yet - I can hear Andy getting up, I might suggest we go for a walk - I'll have to see how he feels.  Oh according to Alexa we can expect partly sunny weather with a high of 20 degrees.  Many days have been really nice with a forecast much colder/cloudier than that!

I'm trying not to sound it - but I feel fed up again today.  We are back to groundhog day I suppose.  If I am correct - Andy will feel the same.   - I'll catch up again later - and we'll see how the day pans out! far - have lasagne ragu in the oven.....have chatted to Helen online....little catch up with Lissa - received scan pics from Adam and Erika:

Erika said the second pic is the baby looking at us!  When you look at it like that it seems a bit like The Scream! lol

She said the weight of them are 3lb 8oz and 3lb 6oz - but that is down a little since their last scan so she is going to have another in 2 weeks.  

Okay - need to go and get changed and cut the grass....

So - I cut the grass - takes ages! looks awesome!  Then I went to a garden centre - not many ppl there so easy to distance from some cabbage plants, 2 tomato plants and some mint and 2 bags of soil.  Came home and re-potted some house plants - then Andy helped me dig up a square of grass to make a small vegetable patch - never done it before so no idea how they are going to turn out - have 12 cabbage plants and one butternut squash! lol.  Have sweet pepper and tomatoes on the bathroom window sill....

I was knackered - ended up doing over 15,000 steps - over 6 miles walking in the garden!  We then sat in the garden for a while - but was getting a little cold by then so we came in - and sat in front of the TV - was about 6pm by then - was really bad again and ordered pizza!!!