Lets have a look at the figures for today - not really seen them yet - I expect a much bigger jump today...
Total world cases: 601,777
Total fatalities: 27,518
UK total: 17,089
UK Fatalities: 1019
Total world cases: 683,809------------------82.032 increase
Total fatalities: 32,177-----------------------4,659 increase
UK total: 19,522------------------------------2,433 increase
UK Fatalities: 1,228--------------------------209 increase
The PM Boris Johnson has caught the virus - he apparently has mild symptoms so he'll be back to normal very soon.
Very scarily, Italy are really suffering and there are reports of social unrest - so people are stealing and raiding - out of necessity apparently. Many people were working for cash so they are not being helped out financially by their government. They have also been on lock down longer than us so they are going stir-crazy. I really feel so bad for these people! In other countries - it looks like they don't stand a chance - with people still gathering - but when you live in a single room with 5 other people what can you do? Actually - from what I have seen they are not even trying to stay apart outdoors...its going to spread like wild fire, and they wont have the hospitals to try and save people.
This is a picture from India today:

No attempt whatsoever at social distancing. Apparently these people are migrant workers unable to pay their rent, trying to get back to their villages. The news reports say that there was no public transport so some people were having to walk hundreds of miles - I don't really know how that is possible - but that is what it says! So - they are going to be taking the virus back to their villages. A disaster waiting to happen - with the virus and also possible starvation! You can't dwell on things like this too much because it gets way too upsetting.
There is talk in the UK that we might be on lock down until June. Imagine all the people living alone! It is a very depressing thought. So many businesses are going to be screwed, so many people are going to be skint and so stressed out about losing their house etc. The banks are saying people can take mortgage breaks, and I don't think they will be allowed to repossess houses, so there are some reassurances.
We went for a drive this morning - first time we have left the house in 2 weeks. I was curious to see the outside world, and see how busy the roads are. It was a little bit like going out on Christmas day - it was very quiet. I filled the car up with petrol (which was much reduced in price!) I took rubber gloves and hand sanitiser and was extremely careful....we got petrol from Asda - where you could see a queue all the way to the back of the car park, with people standing 2 metres apart - looked like a weird queue everybody spread out so much. Some people were not quite far apart enough - but they were mostly good. It was a strange sight to be honest. We came straight back home after filling up - its nice to know that the car is full ready for work tomorrow! When we got home we had a walk around the garden - like we keep doing just to get outdoors!
We had another enquiry on Airbnb from a camera woman for the BBC - we were a little concerned that really it was a reporter testing our Airbnb hosts, to see if we are following the rules! As it happens the dates they wanted clashed with a doctor that has made an enquiry, and he wont know for sure until 2nd April, so we told the BBC person that the Doctor takes priority. We may consider them if he doesn't want the place. She replied saying - thank you Christine! lol - I guess she has been making enquiries at other places too and got me mixed up with somebody else! We are thinking that the BBC want to come here because we are getting reports of deaths at our local hospital.
So - I'm all ready for work tomorrow. I ordered new clothes online as I couldn't go out shopping and most of my existing work clothes are too small and are old! I've not worked for over 3 years (other than in the house which required totally different type of work clothes!). Luckily the stuff I ordered were all on sale because of the current situation - and they all fit me (I stuck to stretchy stuff lol).
I have no idea what to expect tomorrow - 9 of us on this training course - I am going to insist that the rules on social distancing are followed otherwise I will just leave. I really hope I get there and am reassured that I'll be safe. Have to wait and see.....