Thursday 19 April 2018

The sun has got his hat on...

The hottest April day since 1949! So...decided to do more stuff in the garden.  Actually the gardeners were here this morning...Chloe and Neil.  They used to look after the garden before we moved in - so we asked them to carry on.  This was supposed to be until we got the time to do it - but we'll never be ble to do what they do! They know what they are doing and we don't! The garden is very big - probably 3/4 acre and there are all sort of things growing in it - its amazing in the summer.

Chloe usually nips in to use the loo - and this morning I was still in bed! It was about 9.15am and I felt really guilty about being in bed at that time.  I was awake and on my phone...but still ended up answering the door in my dressing gown!

I had cut the grass yesterday - so today I raked the dead grass up - took forever - I then decided to mow again and go a little shorter, I got about half way through and then the STUPID mower wouldn't start again!! I really wanted to hit it with something...or set it alight....

Let the kittens out in the garden for a bit and they loved it! bit too ambitious though and I thought I would lose them - so had to get them back in and I felt so guilty!

So now...I am not sure what to do with myself.  Andy isn't here and he is not back until tomorrow. It is almost I suppose I can get a shower...then errrrr.  Or, I could rest my legs a bit then maybe go on the running machine for a little bit.

Anyway...not feeling in a great mood now.  Don't like it when Andy is not here and still annoyed about the mower lol.  Here are some pics of the kittens in the garden that will cheer me up...

Mercky (above) and May (below)

below is Itsy stalking May