Monday 21 May 2018

Monday 21st May 2018

So - had physio appointment this morning because of my hip.  I was worried that I wouldn't be able to explain exactly what was wrong and where the pain was and so forth - but she was brilliant and able to see what the problem was by getting me to do certain movements etc.  Most of the problem seems to come from my calves! I always end up with problems in my calves.  I did my back in earlier in the year and the osteopath mentioned my calves.  Apparently the lower calf is so tight - that it will have a knock-on effect up my body! Now I know why I can't do proper squats! lol.  Also, she reckons that when I did my back in - my body started to use different muscles to compensate.  If I stand on my left leg and lift the other one up I'm fine - the other way around however, I stick my hip out because the muscles are not working properly.  So when I run - I am doing a similar thing!  So - I have exercises to do and I HAVE to stretch my lower calf muscles out.  If this is not possible I need to see a podiatrist for inserts into my shoes - to lift my heel.

So happy that I now know what the problem is AND I can carry on running - just shorter distances and on the flat.  If I am in pain I am not actually doing any damage or making it worse.  So - although I don't want to be in pain - I should still be able to do the 10k race i have coming up on 10th June!!

I have had such good experiences with osteopaths and physio's this year - it makes such a difference having somebody who knows what they are doing, tell you whats going on with your own body!  I am going every time I have any soon as you know that you can do something about it - its great! If it means I can carry on running and get less injuries - its awesome!

S'anyway....I've drawn out all the lines on the boards to show where the new floor boards are gonna go...trying to work out what I need to buy and in what lengths - a lot more complicated than it sounds!  I also took up one of the boards just to have a look at the joists and make sure there were no bodies and anything else unexpected under was fine lol.

So I think I'll email the woman at the timber place and just give her all the measurements and see what she can do! Nervous/excited about laying a floor on my own by myself!

Meeting Yvonne for lunch tomorrow - spoke on facebook - told her I was writing a blog again and told her that I read back to 2010/2011 and that she had slagged me off for writing a blog - when I didn't exactly lead an exciting life! lol.  She remembered it well - said "I remember you being so mad at me about that!" and I'm glad lol...but she didn't take it back or anything hehehe

It's not like I mind - if the people around me don't read it then it means I can be honest about what I say and not worry about what people might think!

So...Its now 4pm and I am going to get changed and go for a run on my running machine (after doing the exercises given to me by the physio!) and I am going to try my SHFT again.

Catch up...


I am trying my best to remember what I did on Friday....Andy was working....

Oh - I went and picked up the replacement tiles for the victorian porch -a nd spoke again about the wood I need for the hall....came back and dug some broken tiles out....I didn't have an exciting day!

Saturday....was a really nice day again - and me and Andy spent most of it in the garden and waiting for helen and Paul to come around.  We found some tent pegs and got the tent properly up...we got out a game that he got me for my birthday and set that up - got some bbq food...I put some weed killer/lawn food down - on a section to see if it made a difference (it turned the grass black - which is supposed to be temporary!).

Helen, Paul and Eloise got to our at about 4pm - and we generally chatted....sat in the garden....Andy and Paul were hitting golf balls into a net, but me and Helen always seem to find a million things to chat about!

Eventually - not until about 7pm - we made some food! Then we came in and played pool, listened to music, drank!  Had a jolly good time as we always do - before crashing!

Sunday - Helen and paul got off quite early - and me and Andy decided to go for a walk down netherclay - there is about 22 acres (could be more) with pathways, and the river tone - and lots of trees and it is really nice to walk around.  I went running there a week or so ago, and was amazed that we had that just 3 minutes away - so i wanted to show Andy.  We had a really nice walk - and then decided to carry on - went down towards Longmead where they do the parkrun - and we ended up out walking for about 2.5 hours!  did about 16,000 steps!  My hip was quite painful after a while though....

We came back - played cards in the garden and did another bbq - before coming in, watching a film - and getting to bed quite early!!

A good weekend! :-)