Monday 2 May 2011

back from the pub...

hi again! Just got back from the pub - meant to out for a little while - not out-out! But we ended up going out-out! lol
We had lots of food and a bottle of wine between us then moved to another pub which was quite entertaining - sitting with a nice women who had a drunken idiot trying to confess his undying love for her (they had only just met) it ended with her 'nipping to loo' aka escaping to the safety of her home.  When he decided to go and investigate he couldn't walk forwards and after about 6 steps backwards fell on his butt! I bet he'll feel it tomorrow!
Now its half eleven and I'm wide awake and I need to be in work tomorrow at 8am! Oh well - I'll deal with that tomorrow!
We did manage to organise what food we are going to do for my party - looking forward to it - especially now it seems more organised.  I also spoke to my mum and all seems to be in order! coolio.
Drinking a nice coffee and watching a bit of TV then I guess I better get to bed...until next time...

Bank Holiday Monday

Yay a day off work!

It is lovely and sunny outside but really windy.  I am starving!! its 14.43 and I haven't eaten a thing all day - this is because I didn't get up until 12 (we didn't go to bed until 4am because we were watching films!) and we have just spent the last couple of hours sorting out fancy dress outfits for my birthday party that I am having at my parents house.

I have ordered something I think will be funny - and Andy and Connor's should be really good too but I cant say what they are yet - I'll put pictures up after the party.  Its only Lissa who hasn't got an outfit yet!

We are going to have a walk down to the pub and get food and wine there!! Yummy - I am so hungry it hurts!!  We are going to take the Ipad and make lists of stuff we need to do or buy for the party - there is less than 2 weeks to go! We also need to figure out where everybody is gonna sleep!

see you later!!