Sunday 12 April 2020

So tired....Sunday

Total world cases: 1752,430-------------------105,950 increase
Total fatalities:  107,257-------------------------6,978 increase
UK total: 78,991-------------------------------8,719 increase
UK Fatalities: 9,875---------------------------  917 increase

Total world cases: 1817,977-------------------65,547 increase
Total fatalities:  112,604-------------------------5,347 increase
UK total: 84,279-------------------------------5,288 increase
UK Fatalities: 10,612---------------------------  737 increase

Not only have we hit 10,000 deaths, but it now looks like the UK will end up being the hardest hit country in the whole of Europe - that what they are saying on the news anyway - even though Italy have 20,000 I don't know why... Our Government always said if we have less than 20,000 deaths it would be a good outcome.  What is worrying is the figures only include deaths that happen in hospitals - not in care homes, or people at home - so it could be a lot more.  I still find it hard to believe.

Had a long chat with my dad this morning - he wasn't coughing like usual - so although he doesn't think he is getting any better - I am hoping he is.  He was telling me this morning about a guy in his small ward ( of 3 or 4 people) this guy was constantly shouting for the nurse - so they started to ignore him - so he shouted - fine then I'll F**king Sh** the bed!! and a nurse came running! lol.  Was good to hear him laughing.  While I was on the phone - I could just hear somebody shouting for the nurse over and over again - I don't know whether the guy is just annoying - or if he really needs something and they are just really busy.  My dad says he will ask for something and they say - I'll be 5 minutes and they don't come back for an hour or more.  I have no idea if they are inundated with coronavirus virus patients - guess they must be.  When I called the other day the nurse was so nice - at the end of our conversation I thanked her for looking after my dad and got all emotional - I wanted to hug her!!

So - today my boss messaged again.  I assumed I was back in work on Wednesday but he said that he'd message me Wednesday morning....but if everything is okay and my dad is improving I will offer to go in after speaking to him.  I don't want him to think that I am taking advantage of the situation.  I just hope as Wednesday draws nearer I don't start getting mega anxious again. I have pretty much done - errr nothing.  I've been tired again all day after not sleeping properly still and waking up early.  I did make a breakfast casserole this morning before Andy got up - I had forgotten that he said he wanted a Bev's BLT.  I think he just went along with it as I had made it - but then it was awesome!! haha - even if I say so myself!

I've been sat at my computer whilst watching Modern Family all day.  It is no wonder I am so huge and unfit!  I have not had motivation to be healthy and do exercise for ages now.  I really need to turn things around.  Soon.......

In the meantime....

Love this cocktail, a expresso martini made with vanilla vodka and kulua shot of expresso and sugar syrup.  This allows you have have a cocktail and stay awake

Expresso Martini!!  

Blinding Dumbasses