Tuesday 4 May 2010

4th May 2010

Morning...well its actually afternoon - but morning to me as I haven't been up very long!

I have had a few busy days...I have been on my 5 days off - I went out on Friday night with my OH and Yvonne and Stuart - I had arranged to go out with the OH to celebrate the job offer he has just got (although not taken as yet) and I saw Yvonne at work who said that she and Stuart would come along although they were both working the next day so Stuart was driving. We had a good laugh and it was great to feel back to normal with Yvonne because last time I saw her at work she seemed like she was having a go at me, she was tetchy, and although I couldn't put my finger on what it was I got the impression she was annoyed at me.
Friday night was just fun and we had a few laughs...so that was great.

Saturday we decided to go to Westfield in Shepperds Bush, which is a massive shopping centre with all kinds of shoe and clothes shops from Gucci to Coast to Bench to Next... we spent a small fortune!! However it has been a long time since we bought clothes, and it was the first time ever we just bought stuff without worrying about how much it cost (although we didn't quite stretch to Versace and Prada - that's just silly money, and pretty yucky stuff if you ask me!!)

I did my usual thing and forgot that I cant whisper, which has got me into trouble a few times - like the time in Manchester when I was very drunk and 'whispered' OMG look at the state of her with all that gold on, she looks pathetic! (or words to that effect) and she turned to me and demanded 'WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???' and I said....'I said you look very nice....' and I got ready to be battered but my friends managed to get me away.

well, on Saturday we were in the Armani shop, and the OH nudges me and nods towards a couple that looked ridiculous. They were about 60 years old and she had blonde, red and green hair, and fur shawl thing on and all sorts of layers and weird stuff - he had what little grey hair he had left spiked up and looked as bad as she did. You could tell that what they wore was very expensive but they basically just embarrassed themselves...and I 'whispered', "Well they must have won the lottery because if they had been born into money they would have much more class" and then I realised that the man must have heard me...if looks could kill!!! he stared at me without blinking or looking away with this evil smirk on his face - he did this the whole time he was in the shop! I obviously hit a nerve. LOL

I just hope he took a long look in the mirror - I may have done him a favour.

Okay...I sound like a complete bitch now don't I?!

Anyway - we had such a good time spending money and buying stuff on Saturday that we went back and did it again on Sunday!! We wont be doing it again for a while though lol - I'll have to save up!

We went out with Yvonne and Stuart again on Sunday night and they were staying over so it was a proper night out - we only go locally so we can walk home. Yvonne was not herself at all, I think she is very stressed at the moment - she was laughing one minute then getting upset...I'm sure it will pass she just has worries at the moment. If she has a problem with me I'm very sure she will tell me soon...it wouldn't be like her not to. They stayed over and yesterday everything was fine and we had a lazy day and Sunday Lunch.

Today I am thinking Oopps, I haven't been to the gym, I have been drinking alcohol and I have a PT session tomorrow!! So I am officially RUBBISH at staying healthy and not drinking and sticking to my diet and going to the gym...but as usual I will just start over again. I am sat in my gym kit and will definitely go sometime today.

Anyway - gonna have the coffee that my OH has lovingly made for me - then we shall go to the gym!!