Tuesday 22 May 2018

Tuesday 22nd May 2018


My plan was to meet Yvonne today in Exeter - I lazed about a bit in the morning - then ended up rushing like mad to get a shower and get ready!

We met at the new Ikea...I asked Andy if there was anything he wanted - we both could not think of anything, but I knew I'd come back with something!  We met in the restaurant - and I had meatballs and chips and cheesecake! lol - it was yummy!! When I arrived all I could think about was meatballs and hotdogs!! There was a guy sat near us who left 2 meatballs! Who even does that!!

 Its always nice to see Yvonne - we get on so well - even though she joked again about not liking my blog lol.

Yvonne is seen below - modelling the small set of tables and chairs which will be perfect for the annex dining room - once we have sorted it out!

We had a nice chat and walk around Ikea.  Yvonne was telling me that's she is back on track for the gastric bypass....she had to lose about 9kg before seeing the consultant - she did it and got the okay. She then went straight to Mac donalds drive through!!  She pointed out a very small bowl and said - I'll only be able to eat an amount of food that would fit in this bowl. I said...well next time we come it'll be cheap then...you can just have one of my meat balls - she said, oh I don't know if I could manage a full one! I said good I didn't wanna give you a full one any way!!

 Anyway....I could have bought lots of stuff....I did actually buy lots of stuff but I could have bought more!!  I got some knives and forks, wooden forks, little vase, 3 rugs (hall runners), 2 washing up brushes...and cake, and meatballs, and more cake!  Then - after all the meatballs and everything I had eaten when we met - I had a hotdog on my way out!

When I got home and put the hall runners down - I realised that they look a lot smaller than they did in the shop!  They will probably look good when the floor underneath has been sorted out - and we might need another one....I don't think Andy was too impressed with them!

So, I'm now sat in the garden with a G&T....