Friday 15 May 2020

First day back at work - take two!


So today I went back to work (again).  I have been employed since 30 March 2020 - I went in for a weeks training course (this was during the lock down) and it was during that week that my Dad was first taken into hospital...the week after I went into work, did half a day because I couldn't get onto their IT system, and the following day - I came home again - before I had arrived at work - then it all went very downhill - I ended up in Manchester - self isolating, dad's funeral etc....  So, today I was finally back in work again.  

It went well - I could get onto the system - I looked at a potential fraud, I have been tasked with taking a few I managed to keep fairly busy until about 2pm - when I was told I could go home!  I am working from home tomorrow - going to be taking statements over the phone as well as a couple of Skype calls....all good!

Yesterday - I had a lazy day again really - got few things ready for work today - and then we had the family quiz last night.  Adam and Erika were hosting, however, Adam was nowhere to be seen - he was apparently sat next to Erika out of camera shot but he was really annoyed about being let down by his mate - who had supposed to have given him the questions for the quiz.  He ended up having to rush to put together a load of alternative questions, then refused to join in!  Good on Erika for continuing or else the quiz would have been cancelled!  Adam eventually joined in about half way through but was obviously still really pissed off.  It made it difficult (for me at least) to try and enjoy it, knowing that Adam was so annoyed, and Erika was probably just putting a brave face on it.  In hindsight, maybe they should have just postponed it for a night....  I messaged Erika briefly earlier and she has made me worry that last night with Adam wasn't just about the quiz - he is getting down in general.  That is not surprising, with the coronavirus, job uncertainty, stress with work being done in the house (and a problem I've been trying to help with concerned a tiler who has done a crap job) and twins due next month...he has a lot on his plate, and he is a worrier...  I've just messaged him....hope he is okay.

So - we all did quite badly in the quiz - and Lissa won! What is the world coming to! lol

I got to bed fairly early, knowing I had to set my alarm for didn't do the coronavirus figures - and at the moment I'd quite like to keep up with them - it might (or maybe not) be interesting in the future to see how it all played out...

so - here are the numbers I missed last night:

Total world cases: 4,250,061------------------- 73,549 increase
Total fatalities:  286,925------------------------ 3,291 increase
UK total: 223,060-------------------------------  3,877 increase
UK Fatalities: 32,065---------------------------  210 increase

Total world cases: 4,341,420------------------- 91,359 increase
Total fatalities:  292,846------------------------ 5,921 increase
UK total: 226,463------------------------------- 3,403  increase
UK Fatalities: 32,692--------------------------- 627 increase

Total world cases: -------------------  increase   Missed it!
Total fatalities: ------------------------  increase  Missed it!
UK total: 229,705------------------------------- 3,242 increase
UK Fatalities: 33,186--------------------------- 494 increase