Tuesday 12 May 2020

People are so stupid! #covidiots

Total world cases: 4,176,512-------------------79,468 increase
Total fatalities:  283,634------------------------3,503 increase
UK total: 219,183------------------------------- 3,923 increase
UK Fatalities: 31,855--------------------------- 308 increase

Total world cases: 4,250,061------------------- 73,549 increase
Total fatalities:  286,925------------------------ 3,291 increase
UK total: 223,060-------------------------------  3,877 increase
UK Fatalities: 32,065---------------------------  210 increase

Our numbers are down again - which is good news.  Our R number is less than one - which means for every infected person - they are passing it on to less than 1 other person - but only just.  We need to keep going.  Boris Johnson addressed the public again - really just repeating what he said last night.  I really don't get why people are claiming he is not being clear.  Surely, if you have some level of intelligence it makes sense.  When the PM was taking questions last night on TV a reporter Laura Kuenssberg.....actually said to Boris Johnson "Many people thought that your speech last night raised as many questions as it gave answers (NO - it was quite straightforward) "You can see your colleagues if you go to work, but grandparents can't look after your children".  What - are you so stupid?? Let me explain it to you - Miss reporter who is obviously lacking in brain cells - of course grandparents (high risk people) can't look after children (who are too young to understand 2 metre social distancing) safely! and she compares this to going back to work!!!  Going back to work WHEN it is safe to do so i.e. social distancing measures ARE in place!!  How do they get away with this kind of questioning....She also said, many employers are just not ready to have people back to work yet...WELL THEY CAN'T GO BACK TO WORK YET CAN THEY.  I don't know the names of reporters - don't know who they are, but this Laura Kuenssberg, was so unbelievably stupid I had to look her up.  I found lots of #laurakuenssberg comments on twitter - apparently this is not the first time she has been a complete idiot...how does she get away with it?

I honestly feel so sorry for Boris Johnson having to answer such stupid questions....people implying, or saying, that he is being ambiguous about who can, and who can not go back to work...do they want him to list every single industry and profession and all the different varieties within those - and say - yes this is okay, no this isn't.  USE COMMON SENSE people!! IF it is safe to do so AND you can't work from home AND you are not going to ram yourself onto a train or a tube.... Honestly, the ignorance of people is just simply embarrassing.  So many memes with Boris Johnson - making him look like he is not being clear just exposes the stupidity of people.  I soooo want to rant at people on social media for their stupid comments - but I don't want to get into arguments with them, but honestly - the more stupid people out there that write things about the Government not being clear (when they are being as clear as they can) the more other stupid people will believe it.  

I don't claim to be highly intelligent - I'm just an average person, who can listen to other people and understand what they are saying - because it is not rocket science.

Okay - rant over.

well....maybe not - I just looked up other news, and President Trump - was doing a press conference and a Chinese-American journalist asked him - why is it a competition regarding how many tests you complete compared to other countries - rather than focusing on the amount of people dying....his answer was - why don't you ask China that question? She said - why are you saying that to me specifically? He said he wasn't - then said next question (cutting her off) - and another female reporter put her hand up - he pointed at her, then as she leaned into the microphone, he said next question and looked for somebody else!  Maybe, you need to see the visuals to understand that firstly he was referring to her being Chinese and then didn't want another question from a female.  I think the whole virus thing is as surreal as it is having Trump for American president - both things seem like a very sick joke.

I'll change the subject....what did I do yesterday?  I made a creamy butter chicken curry, a new recipe which uses almond flour - which I did not like! and I did very little else.  I was supposed to go into our annex and have a look at the bath/shower because something is apparently leaking - but I got a message off the guest Katherine (who is a key worker - a Doctor at our local hospital) saying that there had been an outbreak of Coronavirus on her ward, and although she had tested negative, she had to be re-tested on Friday in case she is in the incubation period.  So - I couldn't risk going in there - and I also hope she is okay, and her partner!

So - today is Tuesday - I guess I'll write about it tomorrow - I hope the day will be more positive - we have quiz night with the kids tonight so that should be fun....then I am back at work tomorrow!  Its been around a month since I did half a day at my new job, and the next day - left for work and drove home again - in an emotional state....