Saturday 11 April 2020

Lets not think about it today.....

Not thinking about it - but are the Coronavirus figures....

Total world cases: 1646,480-------------------57,000 increase
Total fatalities:  100,279-------------------------5,269 increase
UK total: 70,272-------------------------------3,197 increase
UK Fatalities: 8.958---------------------------  980 increase

Total world cases: 1752,430-------------------105,950 increase
Total fatalities:  107,257-------------------------6,978 increase
UK total: 78,991-------------------------------8,719 increase
UK Fatalities: 9,875---------------------------  917 increase

So - the UK - is getting almost 1000 deaths in 24 hours again.  That's crazy - and just think for every death there is a whole family grieving.

I've tried not to think about it today - it was gorgeous weather - and we got the BBQ out - and spent the afternoon in the garden - playing cards and trying to pretend the world hadn't gone crazy.  I let Andy beat me at cards ;-)  We downloaded an app on our phones that lets you identify plants and trees - and as we don't have a clue about these things, it was quite interesting!  We have loads of things growing - and some are quite toxic we discovered!  We have a strawberry tree!  Never heard of that before - apparently the fruit can be edible - but they are not like regular strawberries at all.  I found a plant with huge leaves - apparently it is called Bear's breech.  We have Bay, Yellow Archangel, mother-wort, stinking hellebore, primrose, Japanese Andromeda, blueblossom...amongst other things!  We also have an app which identifies birds from their song - we identified some extremely common birds hahah....wren, robin, great tit, raven, mistle thrush, house martin, blue tit, and goldfinch - not just today - these are all the ones I have identified since I have had the app - about a year.  I have tried and failed a few times to catch the sounds of the owls that we can hear late at night...I'd love to know exactly what type of owl it is.

Spoke to my Dad this morning - expected him to be really happy about the fact that I called the hospital last night and found out that food could be dropped off for him - so Bev agreed to do this - and she dropped him a big bag of goodies.  Sure he must have been happy about it but he didn't sound that impressed.  There again - he is in hospital and can hardly breathe - and does not seem to be improving - so can't blame him for not sounding over the moon!

Tonight we were supposed to have a games night online with Helen and Paul but apparently Helen has a really bad migraine - so we are putting it off until tomorrow - it being bank holiday weekend an all....

So - we are about to watch some TV.....

Dying dream....


I had the most awful dream that woke me up this morning.  In the dream - I sort of knew - that people were getting killed my a huge van/tank type thing that was driving into people.  I was driving on a busy motorway and I saw this grey fast, sort of armoured truck kinda thing - I had dodged it and kept driving.  Then suddenly it was driving fast down the hard shoulder in the wrong direction - so coming towards me.  I switched lanes - to be further away from it and then - it was like it zero'd in on me and came straight across all of the traffic heading directly for me and there was nothing I could do to escape it - I saw that it was too late it was about to hit the side of me - both of us still driving at speed.  Then I was sort of looking back on the huge crash scene - and the realisation that I'd been killed....I thought of Andy and the kids - then the upset and panic woke me up. 

I lay there and thought - hmm what can I make of that! I very quickly thought - oh - the van must have represented the virus - and it just attacks and kills people indiscriminately. 

How messed up is that?  I think it might be one of those dreams that just stays with me for a while.