Tuesday 8 June 2010

8th June 2010


I am on a training course this week - was hoping it would be fun as Yvonne is on the same course. Its a week long and its like being on earlies as I have to be in Guildford by 8am. I thought it would be fun because I forgot how boring these courses can be. I sat there today sooooo tired and was going cross-eyed trying to keep my eyes open. Luckily we finished at 2pm - and rather than go to the gym with Yvonne I came straight home and went to bed. I don't think Yvonne was very impressed with me and seemed to think that I would wake up once I got home. Basically, I think she thought I was making an excuse not to go, but I was so tired nothing could have got me to the gym!! Even after two hours sleep I felt as though I needed to go back to bed!

I am moving jobs soon - within the same company - but a different role and in Guildford rather than Woking. So this week I have training - next week I'm back in my usual department and the week after I am on attachments - then I'm off to Egypt!! woo hoo! when I get back I am working in Guildford and the journey is going to be a nightmare! I have to drive 20 miles and take my bike cos there is no parking - and I have to park about 1 or 2 miles away...joy. maybe I can jog, although I'll need to be able to get changed. HASSLE

I have my sister visiting next Monday. I cant believe how difficult it has been to arrange being available that day. It's because of this role change and training and finishing up in my current department and staff shortages etc. etc. First I had to get the day off (one of the three days I have left in that department) and I was nearly refused it...then I had an eye test (with work) that I had to have for the driving test I have to do the following day (so I can drive work cars) and I nearly had to rearrange the driving test and the eye test..and its basically been a pain in the butt. However, its all sorted now - which is a good job cos I've hardly seen my sister at all in the last few years and we used to be sooo close. I really miss what we used to have - although it was much easier when we lived around the corner from each other. Her husband went to school with my husband and they were best mates (I met my OH through them). We ended up falling out a few years ago which I was devastated about - and things have never been the same since cos we have all been awkward around each other - although much less so the last couple of times. We have only really met up at family parties and stuff. Anyway - Monday should be good as it will just be the two of us we should be able to do lots of catching up!

The new car we bought got picked up today! we got a Honda Insight - its a hybrid car, so we are very 'green' - with that and a Smart Car. I will probably end up using this car more than the Smart car as my bike will fit in the back...

anyway - this has been quite waffly...

speak to you soon!!!