Friday 18 May 2018


This morning - despite my sore hip that means I cannot run properly - I tried out my new gadget - the SHFT.  Took me a while to get kitted up! with my polar watch and chest strap, my new polar foot pod, the SHFT chest strap and the SHFT foot pod, get everything synched, got my app on the phone ready (already wearing my new trainers!) and off I went - just up and down my road (its 1/2km from my house to the top of the road)...I expected to be out for about 20 minutes.  The app - gave me a warm up - and 3 lots of 6 minute runs...I ended up running 4.3km.  The app was telling me in my ear that it was analysing me - then told me that my foot was spending too long in contact with the floor.  I then had to run trying to improve this! I didn't know how to do that! lol.  I was trying to take baby steps - and then just trying to run faster! Was really frustrating though because it was just painful to run - so my stride and everything is probably different to when I am not in pain.  Anyway afterwards I could see all sorts of info about my running!  I know that I am not a heel striker! I land neutral/midfoot which is supposed to be the best way to land.  I know my stride length, how long I am in the air - my body bounce, step length, brake effect - lots of things that mean nothing to me atm, but it means I can find out! and once I get my contact with the floor reduced, the app will help me work on something else to improve my running! JUST NEED TO BE ABLE TO RUN! So, I am very pleased with that!  My trainers were good too - although I think they will be better when I have broken them in a bit! 


Our plan today - as Andy was off work - was to spend the day in the garden and play games and have a BBQ...but it wasn't quite warm enough! So I ended up cutting the grass again...(ended up doing 20,000 steps today!).  Then Andy got out our huge tent and we put that up - we wanted to see if we had wrecked it, because last time we put it away it was raining and we never got it out again to let it dry.  Anyway - it was fine! It brought back memories of when we used it last which was years ago, when the kids were younger.  The things I remember about that holiday was Adam was sleep walking/talking, and freaked the twins out - me and Andy had joined Helen and Paul in their caravan and I got a call from Lissa.  She was freaking out saying Adam is being weird!!  When we got there, Adam was gesturing towards his room in the tents demanding to know what colour the invisible pipes were!  He then threw up! I also remember cooking sausages and stuff and watching huge black clouds coming towards us - we just managed to get it cooked and run inside the tent with the food when we ended up in the middle of a massive thunder storm! It was quite scary and apparently lightening hit a tree in the field we were in.  We played lots of games too - got the kids running an assault course carrying a cup of water...I also remember us getting chinese take-out and eating that at a table inside the tent - and we taught the kids how to play poker and Connor thrashed us all!

So - the tent is fine - but we can't find the tent pegs. 

It had got nice and warm after about 4pm so we stayed in the garden, having a drink, playing cards and chatting! Twas much fun!!

We then came inside - got take-out AGAIN! and watched TV - until I fell asleep about 10.30! so we got an early night!