Tuesday 1 May 2018

Tuesday 1st may 2018


(only read this is you are prepared to be bored)

Well, a quiet start to the day...but I'm not happy!  Yesterday I got a letter from the Gas company saying that they need to check the meter reading as the bill is higher than expected! On the phone to them now - constantly on hold....the bill Jan-April is £1277.97, however, Nov to Jan was £250.  Trying to get them to explain this to me is impossible.  I was on hold for ages, so I could speak to somebody about the detail, and eventually the same person came back and said - yeah it is right, we will send out the bill.  I said - so why this, and why that etc. and she can't answer it! Wasn't that why I was on hold for ages so that I could discuss it???

Now I'm on hold again....

Either way we are going to owe a lot of money! So the upshot is - they have no record of the arrangement that they were calling me back to arrange a new tariff, and funnily enough they have no phone number on record for me.  We have to pay £1277.  Great our budget money is down by a lot!  So it seems, then when we have the heating on a lot it averages out at about £18 per day - plus whatever other charges they stick on.  Guess next winter we'll be investing in thermal underwear, jumpers and gloves!  I intend never to put the heating on again. Or use hot water!!

So, its now half one and I've done nothing other than mess about with gas/electric, call ppl, look for reference numbers, look for a cheaper supplier, and eat cheese and onion on toast!


Okay the day got worse - decided to try and sort out my electricity supplier as I cannot get any details from my online account and they don't seem to be taking any notice of my meter readings....an hour later - I owe £1,040 - I have sent a long letter of complaint about how bad they have been...

REAL mansion problems.

Got renewal on home insurance via an email - taking the piss! So now sorted that out with another company.

What a crap, boring, expensive day that has done nothing but piss me off!!

I apologise if you have wasted any of your day reading this.  It's 4.30pm all I have done is this crap.  Hate being an adult sometimes.