Thursday 3 May 2018

Thursday 3rd may 2018

Hi Lissa - hehehe - only person that reads this - apart from me in a few years time when this might seem interesting!

I feel in a good mood today - maybe because the sun is out!  Got up as soon as I woke up - because I knew the gardeners would be here and I didn't want Chloe knocking on the door needing to pee - and me answering the door in my dressing gown again!

I went out and chatted with her, I really like her and we always end up laughing.  She is the kind of person I'd like as a friend - but I'd be a bit weird saying - will you be my friend?  I should take a leaf out of Yvonne's book - she sees someone she'd like as a friend and manages to squeeze herself into their life (which is a good thing - not a criticism - not that I think she'd ever read this LOL).  However, Chloe was talking to me about going to Yoga - Katie louise Yoga (I need to look it up), she goes on a Tuesday night.  When I did my back in a couple of months ago the osteopathe said I should take up yoga because all I do is running.  As I am struggling to walk with pain in my hips so I might give it a go.  I ran 5.6km on the running machine last night and really struggled with various bits that hurt - although mainly my hips.  In the evenings after I have run - if I sit down for a bit, when I get up I'm like a 90 year old shuffling around.

So - the only thing I HAVE to do today is to get the kittens to the vets for their next injection. That is at 2.30pm.  I have also told Andy I'll get him some lunch ready at 12.30 - he has exactly half an hour free for lunch and has calls and stuff back-to-back the rest of the day.  So I might go out before hand and get a few bits in.

So tough day ahead lol.  At the moment I am sat at the kitchen island, writing this and listening to/singing to Sam Smith.  However, I can't live with myself if I don't do something useful so I might go and do some washing, put some washing away, change the bedding etc.