Monday 30 March 2020

New job, 1st day during Armageddon


So before I bore you about my first day at work - here are the figures....

Total world cases:  683,809------------------82.032 increase
Total fatalities:  32,177-----------------------4,659 increase
UK total: 19,522------------------------------2,433 increase
UK Fatalities: 1,228--------------------------209 increase

Total world cases:768,764-------------------84.955 increase
Total fatalities:  37,027-----------------------4,850 increase
UK total: 22,141------------------------------2,619 increase
UK Fatalities: 1,408--------------------------180 increase

I usually do this number comparison earlier in the day but having been at work - these are early evening figures - which is what I'll probably stick to.

In the news today they are saying there are early signs of a decrease in the UK, and they are also saying we have not reached our peak yet.  India was in the news again because so many people were so packed together trying to get back to villages - same as yesterday really.  There are also pictures of major cities around the world deserted. 

So - I hardly slept last night for worrying about not getting enough sleep!  I was up at 6.50am  and Andy got up too and made me some sandwiches and a coffee to take with me! and then I was off....I got there in plenty of time as the roads were very very quiet!  First thing I was asked to do was to sign in, using a pen used by everybody else!  Exactly what we should avoid - I obviously used my own pen!  I think there were 8 of us on the training course - we were taken to a room where the desks had all been separated and we were given anti bacterial wipes and stuff so I was relieved that safety measures were in place.  I was given a laptop, and my collar number - warrant card etc.  We did a bit of training on the intranet etc. Was a long day really and I was knackered and my eyes were struggling to stay open, and I was cold all day!  However, I am impressed with everything tbh - much easier computer system than at Surrey.  So I am now much more relaxed about the whole thing.

Got back home and got straight into my PJ's with big dressing gown and got comfy and warm!  I'm sat here now - its 7.30pm and I'm so tired! guess I'll sleep much better tonight - and can leave a little later tomorrow.