Tuesday 5 June 2018



Well yesterday I managed to go out and run 10km for the first time in ages.  Well, I say run...there was quite a few walks - mostly on the hills... I did it in 1 hour 12 minutes....which is 36 minutes per 5km...so i obviously can't keep up my 5km pace over 10km - but is not bad considering the hills!  The down hill parts help!  Anyway - I was not in too much discomfort with my hip, which is awesome.  So - I have my first 10km race on Sunday arrgghhhhhh!!!  I checked the route and there is a massive hill!!  So....I'll walk up the hill and make up the time running back down it!  I have to leave here at 7am, so Andy has already said he doesn't want to come which is understandable, but it is shame that I'll have nobody there to cheer me on or see me come through the finish line :-(   Guess I'll come through the finish line - wander back to the car and come home lol. 

After my run yesterday - I recovered for a while - did a bit of wallpaper stripping....yes still not finished....then I had a bath...chilled out for the evening...

Today...Andy got up and went to London and is not back until Thursday night.  I am planning on - guess what - yeah, stripping wall paper...and then going to a yoga class tonight...

Trying to hire a sander for the hallway too - that'll be good to get done.

So...guess I'd better go strip.....