Thursday 31 May 2018



The gardeners are here at the moment - they get here at about 8.15am so I am normally in bed - and then I get up and go and chat to Chloe - don't know if she minds or not, but I enjoy chatting to her! I do feel a bit guilty though, chatting away whilst she works on the garden and I stand there with a coffee!  I am going to go to the yoga session that she goes to next tuesday...she is lovely and slim though and I'm a fatty - hope she doesn't see me in my lycra and think - wow - didn't realise she was such a chubster! lol....although that implies that she hasn't already noticed....  I don't mind that really lol....lost a tiny bit more weight - I am almost at 10lb - and not immediately after a run!  I always like to weigh myself just after a run as it is a chance to see the scales showing a bit less.  Obviously after I have drank water though it goes back on!

Tonight we are going out to celebrate being in the house for a year.  Andy won't get back until about he is going to come in , get changed then we are going to head straight into Taunton. 

It is strange to think that we have been here a year - it has gone so quickly!  We have done a lot though....we have - demolished the semi-kitchen in the annex and rebuilt a new one - including plastering all the walls and ceiling and putting a new (lino which I hate) floor.  We have taken down a wall and made two small offices into an amazing bathroom, we have installed a huge main kitchen - also including the floor and ceiling work, we have removed all the woodchip, plastered and decorated our bedroom, we have removed all the fire exit signs and door closers (sounds trivial - but quite a big job!), we have put new lighting, and shelves (which I made) in the games room - (but not decorated)...errrr......put curtains and curtain rails up in various places....oh yeah....taken out 4 toilets, 3 sinks and cubicles out of will-be annex living room and removed the toilet and 2 sinks and loads of asbestos out of the will-be annex bathroom, removed urinals and a sink and turned it into a utility room, created a gym in one of the rooms....running out of things now.....oh....we got a hot water boiler installed and now run hot water around the house....

Quite a bit really - in a year from now I am hoping we have done the following....

Sort out the annex bathroom, bedroom, living room and dining room...decorated our living room...sorted out all the floor in the hallway, decorated the spare room, get a new carpet/flooring in the games room...

I'll update you in a year! lol.

So today....I might do more wallpaper stripping in the annex bedroom - and do another gym session - and get showered and ready to go out later.