Saturday 28 March 2020

Feeling yuck - alcohol related! Not Covid-19!


Total world cases:  537,785
Total fatalities:  24,156
UK total: 11,813
UK Fatalities: 578

Total world cases:  601,777
Total fatalities:  27,518
UK total: 14,751
UK Fatalities: 769

Later in the day our figures increased to UK total: 17,089, UK Fatalities: 1019

Yesterday there were 46,000 new cases and around 2,000 new deaths and today there are 63,000 new cases and 3,000 deaths.  So the rate is speeding up now - as expected.  I don't think it will start to decrease (because the whole country is on lock down) for another week or two.

So yesterday was awful.  We had a bit of a fallout - over nothing really.  We have both got ourselves wound up about the virus and me going to work next week - and its stressful!!  I ended up crying! Not because of Andy! I think it just built up gradually over the last week or so - watching all the figures - the temporary hospitals being built etc.  Andy is also very stressed! Not knowing if he is losing his job - on top of everything else....

I've also been waking up really early everyday - and only getting 5 hours sleep or so, and then feeling really sick.  According to google nausea in the mornings - which I've been getting everyday - can be down to lack of sleep and anxiety, which would definitely explain things!  This morning was worse - I woke up at 6pm after going to bed quite drunk last night, we didn't eat either last night, and I was quite drunk so I feel really sick and horrible.  I expect Andy is gonna feel as rough as I do!

Last night we got online with Helen and Paul - we had them on my monitor which has quite a large screen so it wasn't too much different than being sat with them! We played Play your cards Rights lol, but mostly just chatted and had a laugh - and we did not really talk about anything negative as the point was to try and de-stress.

So, knowing Lissa is ALWAYS up early, I video called her and we had a bit of a catch-up - always nice just to see her little face - and her not so little baby bump!  We spoke for ages before realising that we hadn't even mentioned the Coronavirus - which was good!  So we didn't focus on it too much when we realised either.  We did discuss the impact on them however in terms of having the baby.  I really feel for her - and Erika.  She can have Antony with her during the labour and once the baby is born he has to leave and won't see them again until she is discharged from hospital.  If she ends up in hospital for a couple of days that will suck.  Hopefully they will be trying to get her out of the hospital as soon as possible because the hospital will be full of people with the virus.  Both her and Erika feel that this very special time where they should be blooming and enjoying life with a baby on the way has been ruined somewhat - and I don't blame them for feeling that way!

We ended our call when we both needed a poo hahah we reminisced about the times we used to race having a poo when we lived in Sunmead Rd, one of us would leg it to the upstairs loo - and the other downstairs and see who could get back 1st.  hahah

We have just been out into the garden because its lovely outside and we have been cooped up in the house for weeks (2).

The cats always come and join us when we go into the garden!