Wednesday 13 April 2011



I am sat here stuffed after eating a roast dinner with Adam, Harriett, Connor, Lissa and her friend Emma.  The only person missing was Andy who is away working in Jersey.
I have had today off work - just the one day - and I am back at work again tomorrow.  Tomorrow night or possible on Friday, my sister Beverley and her husband and one of her kids - George - are coming to visit for the weekend.  So, today is the only day I have any opportunity to tidy the house up a bit.  I ended up doing stuff like sorting out the bedding and towel cupboard and going to the tip with not exactly lot of cleaning going on!  Harriett cleaned the bathroom for me and helped out - as did Lissa.  The lads heard that I wanted to tidy up and strangely I didn't see them all day! (Its probably why Andy went to jersey too lol)
The weather has been glorious all week - until my day off that is! I wanted to sort the garden out all week but as soon as the sun went away I wasn't so enthusiastic.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow! I never want to go to work if I am least I am only in for 2 days and then I have another 3 days off...and there are some bank holidays coming up soon.
I have decided to have my birthday party at my folks house - and do fancy dress! I might go as wonder women or something like that.  I just hope that everyone else is gonna be up for fancy dress too - it always makes for a good party I reckon.
I have got to have some dental work done and I am massively phobic - I can only have stuff done under sedation - which makes it hugely expensive which SUCKS! I need 3 fillings replaced (spread out from one side of my mouth to the other) and that and sedation is gonna cost me £800...yes £800!!!! that about £1000 more than I can afford!! I am gonna spend the next couple of weeks fretting about it and having anxiety dreams...not to mention the toothache!!
Oh well I am off to my empty bed with my kindle - I have to be up early! Andy is back tomorrow though :-) and Bev will be here soon - so all is good (I'm refusing to think about anything to do with teeth).