Sunday 17 May 2020

Amazing Birthday in lock down!!


well, I haven't really posted on here for a few days - funny how going back to work throws my life into chaos! lol.  That's not really is not chaos it just means I don't have hours in the morning to sit write my blog!

Today is Saturday and my day off!  I've actually had 8 hours sleep for the first time in AGES! 

The last few days I have been working from home - and I've actually had work to do which is good, because I didn't want to be sat at home bored and feeling guilty about not actually having any work!  So - because of the nature of my work I can't really talk about it - but I've had enough to keep me busy!  Yesterday I called a girl I used to work with (Clare) and we had a nice catch up! and she talked me through some stuff I haven't done in a while! So that was really nice - being able to get some advice and speak to an old friend!

The last couple of evenings we have got online on the Oculus and played Arizona Sunshine with Helen and Paul - its a zombie killing game, so that has been a nice change too!  

So this morning - after making myself get back to sleep and then sleeping until 8.30am, I felt pleased that I'd got 8 hours sleep! I woke up to some birthday messages!  

Lissa posted this on Facebook....

She is so lovely!!  I could not have wished for a more perfect daughter!!! I miss her so much!

I miss all of my kids - how they all turned out so well, I'll never know!!  

So - I've emptied the dish washer and had a tidy up - I'm very disappointed that the weather has gone a bit crap!  Our plan was to spend the day in the garden, playing games and maybe having a BBQ - but now its cloudy and not very warm!


So - It is now here is how the rest of my birthday went.....

The sun came out!  Andy got up - and I opened a few pressies - crochet hooks off my mum!  gin off Lissa and a paint by numbers canvas thing (I'd actually fancied one of these and had nearly bought myself one!) she got me one which was a monkey which made me think of my dad as that was his thing!  It actually looks a lot harder than i thought it would!

Then I got onto a video chat with Helen to open hers - she'd sent a big box and there were a few presents in there - each had a note on - mostly about how awesome each present was going to be! lol.  I got a sprouts jigsaw - which I think was re-gifted back to me after I got it for her at xmas! lol.  I got a glass ball which produces pictures like this:

How cool is that!!

She got me some bubble bath! lol and then the big surprise was a aboard game than me and Helen have spoken about often - and we tried to find it in mums attic when we were in Manchester...this game was one we played together as kids, like snakes and ladders, but would go on for AGES as you were constantly sent back...we loved it!  I have looked online for this game many times and failed, because it wasn't a standard game.  Mum got it after sending off tokens - I thought from cereal boxes but as it happens it was from tins of spaghetti!!  Helen apparently found it in her own attic!  Here it is:

I am SO PLEASED about getting this!!!

So after that I opened my presents off Andy - he always manages to get awesome stuff!!  I got a bottle of whiskey - for the first time ever as I only discovered I like whiskey so much when I was at my mums and tried my dads....I got a very expensive looking bottle of brandy - a bottle of gin, and a gin making kit (or gin flavouring kit....) a huge big heavy, weighted blanket, a jigsaw lol....a camera that you put outside to try and capture wild life!! and a new Canon camera!!  I may have missed stuff.....but it was all so very awesome!!

We then went outside with our camera's and had a play!

After playing for a while - we chilled out in the garden and I tried some of my new gin!  We'd been sat in the garden for an hour or so when Connor and Emily turned up!!!  That was an awesome surprise!!  It was so very cool to see them! Actual other humans (that were not from work!) we obviously kept more than 2 metres away - which was difficult because I wanted to hug them both! They also bought me a bottle of gin - so obviously I sampled that too!!  Emily had made cookies as well - so I tried one of them too!!  It was amazing!  So we sat chatting and catching up for a couple of hours and that was so good! It just went really quickly though and then they had to go....

We tidied up and came inside and had a few games of pool - I lost probably because I was quite drunk by this point!  I had a video chat with Yvonne which was really nice - and then Lissa tried to connect with me via Zoom - but it would not connect on my phone - Andy was pushing me to go and sit at my computer to connect with her, and I was resisting because I wanted to connect with her and carry on playing pool - but he insisted!  I came into the living room - connected to zoom and everybody was there!!  Helen and Paul, Adam and Erika, Lissa and Antony and Connor and Emily!!  They had all pre-arranged it and each of them had sorted out a round of quiz questions!

Its a little bit of a blur if I'm honest - Lissa said this morning that she's never seen me so drunk! So I must have been bad (although I did point out to her that she probably has seen me that drunk - but normally she would have been more drunk!).  

Things I remember - Connor got his testicles out and nobody really bat an eyelid! lol I sang really loudly down the microphone to Wham! (I sent out an apology for that this morning lol)...actually there are pictures.....

This one really made me laugh as Lissa drew a face on her pregnant belly!

In this one Adam and Connor compared their bellies to 

I think this one was taken just as I logged on and was surprised!!!

Apologies for the graphic drawing!!!  I think this was drawn by Connor as he is taking the picture!!

I don't know why this one was taken - but Andy is obviously killing himself laughing at something!!!

Lucky for whoever is looking at this it is a still picture rather  than a video as I was singing - obviously badly and drunkenly!!

So - it was a great night!! We had lots of laughs - and I am so grateful to them all for making my birthday so special!!!

I was the first to leave - because I was so drunk! but I didn't cut the night short - I think it was almost midnight - or 11.30pm somewhere around that time!  I went to bed thinking I was going to be getting up again to be ill but thankfully I must have passed out!

I'm feeling a little worse for wear right now - but I am about to make lots of unhealthy food.....