Wednesday 1 April 2020

Another day in a bizarre world

Hi - lets have a look at the numbers - think its gonna be baaadddd

Total world cases: 839,631-------------------70,867 increase
Total fatalities:  41,392-----------------------4,365 increase
UK total: 25,150-------------------------------3,009 increase
UK Fatalities: 1,789---------------------------381 increase

Total world cases: 912,910-------------------73,279 increase
Total fatalities:  45,611-----------------------4,219 increase
UK total: 29,474-------------------------------4,324 increase
UK Fatalities: 2,352---------------------------563 increase!!!!

So - the UK's biggest increase as far as deaths are concerned!  That is a lot of people!!!

The news today talks about a GP surgery sending out "do not resuscitate" forms to people with existing health conditions - they have had to apologise, and new data is showing that 25-50% of coronavirus carriers don't have symptoms, so are going around infecting others unknowingly.

So - yesterday I had a very crap emotional day - I was soooo depressed!  Today I feel much better, and have coped on the course a bit better - not as tired, the day went a little quicker - and we got a free lunch from Costa (on site).

I spoke to the guy that I think is going to be my Sergeant - he said to come in on Monday (late shift) and we'll take it from there.  I am REALLY hoping I'll be sent home until further notice!  It's going to be very difficult to get to know the new job and be productive atm...

We are getting booking enquiries for our Airbnb that we keep having to turn down!  Today a guy wanted to stay a few days with his wife and child because his dad who lives local to us is dying of cancer and only has a couple of weeks left!  SO SAD - and feel bad having to say no - but we don't cater for young kids and we are waiting on an NHS Doctor - he should get back to us tomorrow.

I am so looking forward to the weekend!!  I plan on partying on Friday night - if I can stay awake.

It was April fools day today - Connor got us all by telling us he had lost his job! Something I didn't really find funny because I felt so sorry for him!!!

Lissa did a very artistic pic of the position her baby is in - after seeing her midwife today:

I REALLY hope that her baby doesn't actually look like this!!

I am really missing her atm - probably because I know that I cant see her - and she is going through a life changing event.  My baby is having a baby!!  I am probably not even going to be able to go and see her when she has had the baby - I won't get to meet the baby, possibly for ages!

I can't wait until we can all get together - all of us! we are going to need a great big party when all this is over!!!

Apparently our village (Bishops Hull) are going to have a big party when its over too.

I'm already missing not being able to go out for a meal, or go to the pub - and its not even like we did that loads!  The world is going to be so different in so many ways after this is all over!