Friday 9 April 2010

9th April 2010

I survived the late shift last night at work...when I got in work there was a DVD left in my tray for me. I played it on my computer at work and it was from the try dive I did with the scuba diving lot. It was in the pool and I was wearing a swimming costume as opposed to a wetsuit so the images of me scuba diving by, past the camera with an attractive mask squashed on my face and the mouth piece in my mouth and my thighs wobbling as I swam...gawd it was embarrassing. I actually felt myself blush as I sat (on my own) watching at the computer. I have no idea how many people this DVD has been distributed to! My OH is also in this DVD and he just looks really funny - looks like his short hair is standing on end!

It is 10.50am and I am sat having a herbal tea and a yoghurt (that sounds nothing like me! its usually full strength filter coffee and left over pizza) with my girl-twin waiting to go to the gym with me as my PT gave me some free passes. I am trying to wake up enough to go...but I only woke up about half an hour ago. I am on a time limit though as I start work at 3pm...I need strength. Also - girl-twin looks great in Lycra, she is wearing my lycra leggings and makes them look baggy and she complains that she is fat! What I would do to look like her (although I would like to be taller lol she is five foot nothing!). to go and torture myself (and girl-twin muh hahaha)...have a nice day!