Sunday 26 April 2020

My first Dad dream....

Total world cases: 2,909,614-------------------83,582  increase
Total fatalities:  202,802-------------------------5,768 increase
UK total: 148,377-------------------------------4,913 increase
UK Fatalities: 20,319---------------------------813 increase

Total world cases: 2,986,710-------------------77,096  increase
Total fatalities:  206,623-------------------------3,821 increase
UK total: 152,840-------------------------------4,463 increase
UK Fatalities: 20,732--------------------------- 413 increase

Hmmm not only does the UK fatalities look lower - but so do the global ones....please let this be a sign that things are changing!

Spain has recorded its lowest daily death toll in a month - and ours was lower too.  Sky News said: There is a "very definite trend" downwards in the number of people in hospital with coronavirus", and "The proportion of critical care beds in UK taken by COVID-19 patients is also declining".  This is showing how the social distancing is working.  I hope it now just continues to fall - and I hope that it falls quickly!  We are not however going to get a vaccine this year, and so the social distancing needs to stay in place until we do.

Boris Johnson is back at no. 10 Downing St, ready for work tomorrow!  That's good - he seems to have been away for ages and he'll have personal insight into how awful it is.

So - another groundhog day.  I dreamt this morning - very briefly that I saw my dad - he looked really young like he did in all the photo's we have been looking at - the shock and joy of seeing him woke me up - so it was very brief.  It made me start the day off feeling very sad.  I came down and was chatting to Helen and we were both getting upset - this was short lived as mum didn't notice and got us involved with something straight away - she did this a few times today without being aware of it.  Might be a good thing as she stopped us dwelling on it.

We all went out with the dogs today which was nice.  The weather is still good and it gets us out for a while.  The rest of the day was pretty much the same - Helen worked a bit on the Eulogy and I tried to help and wanted to, but she was typing away on her laptop and it was difficult to help really.

After lunch and a few admin things - we sat down and I gave in to the pressure and crocheted a rainbow!  People have been putting rainbows in their windows - it is supposed to be a positive thing - to cheer people up, lots of kids have been drawing them.  So, Helen had already done one - so I did one too - I still need to stitch it up and put pom poms on it.  Helen took a picture of me and mum both crocheting - and sent it to our group chat - revenge because I did the same with her and mum the other day! lol

All three of us were sat there crocheting - like three old ladies!

We did the usual thing - got tea and watched TV - we have been very lazy today.

We came to bed - and Helen was in the loo, so I hid in her room to make her jump.  This is something we do on a fairly frequent basis - I do it with my kids and always have, and Helen does it with her family too - although I have got a reputation for not taking it very well when people do it to me!

So, I waited in her bedroom - the door was closed and as she came through the door - I jumped out at her - and she properly shouted out, but, she was carrying a glass of water haha it went everywhere.  I could not stop laughing! I know I am going to regret it because she'll make sure she gets me back.  It was a nice way to finish the day - laughing instead of being fed up and sad. I then went to the loo and was so nervous coming out and going into my room - checking on top of the bunk bed and anywhere else she could have been hiding....

Monday tomorrow - getting closer to the funeral - and coming home.  The house is going to be really quiet when me and Helen go home - back to our loved ones, whilst my mum will then be left alone.  I feel awful about that - but what can we do? I plan on video calling as much as I can, but its not the same.  It would be so much better if the lock down was over and she could get back to work and have some human interaction (face to face), but instead she will be stuck in an empty house...she doesn't like going out with the dogs on her own either.  I am going to be worrying about her....