Monday 28 February 2011

Quick update..


I started my new job on Sunday...and I managed to cycle there and get changed and organised and to a desk on time! was the best first day ever!! It was busy, and my team seem really nice, and there was none of that awful...sitting there like a spare part, like you get on first days - because its the same job but different location. Interviewing people is my favourite part of my job and I usually get to interview about once in 2-3 weeks, whereas I got 3 interviews on my first day! I ended up leaving at midnight - so got two hours overtime, then I cycled home again!
Today, I cycled again - got a locker, nobody gets lockers but because I cycle I got one - wow I feel special (not really!!) it wasn't as busy as Sunday but still fun. The atmosphere in the office is good, I'm looking forward to feeling more part of the team and having more of a laugh with them. At the moment there are still too many people I don't know - it is always fun when you know everyone. When they all start taking the mickey outta me, then I'll know I've settled in!
anyway I'm tired...and I am going from a late shift to an early one tomorrow :-(.....g'night...